why are my plants showing sex so early!


Well-Known Member
i have five wonder woman fem plants, and my biggest one which is about 7 inches tall and not even four weeks old, just shot out pistols today, its upsetting in a way, because well i wanted to use her as a mother, im using a 600 mh light cool tube. will this prohibit me from using her as a mother if she is already shooting pistols, at that small and young of an age. is this normal, what should i do. Also im running 24/7 lighting and no its not a lowrider thanks.


Active Member
I believe its better to use plants that have shown preflowers as mothers. they clone easier and faster. Your lucky it happened so quick...
I've been cloning a super lemon haze for over a year now. and it's had pistils ever since I received my first clone of it at 4 inches tall. All the clones show pistils at every single node even during the veg cycle all the way to the end. I wouldn't worry about it. I've never had it affect taste or production.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's nothing to worry about, it's a good thing, actually, showing it's healthy. Clone away, my friend, clone away, when it's time....


Active Member
Several of my ak-48 and blue widow clones are showing sex signs already little mini-pistils I was wondering the same thing