why are the leaves so dark?


Active Member
I switched from a 400 hps to a 180 watt magnum LED, I never noticed it before. I turned on regular light and not LED and was shocked at the color of the leaves.2012-12-11 07.07.39.jpg


Active Member
It's an alien!!! Don't be fooled those buds are really torpentine torpedo launchers.. mark V.


Well-Known Member
On my last (first grow) I had a plant that had the same thing. I forgot the name of the strain but all the top leafs had a purple tint to them and almost looked like they were coated with wax. Smoked good though :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Looks to have a tint of purple in the strain, and or dramatic lowering temps as suggested, looks good i would'nt worry at all.


Active Member
thanks I wasn't sure, I put a heater in room to make up for the loss of heat from not having HPS light. so I knew it wasn't a heat issue I wanted to make sure it wasn't over feeding.


Active Member
hey, last night, i noticed that at 7 weeks, my two aurora indicas are getting purple showing on the tops now. looks neat. maybe done by christmas day??? (9 weeks then).