Why are the side affects of not completely blocking out the light during lights off?


Active Member
As the title says, if i had a hole in my tent say the size of a pen, how would it affect my plants growth?

and i mean "what are the side..... oops


Active Member
Can't say to your situation specifically but light leaks can cause stalled/stunted development.


Active Member
Neat avatar wyndorf.
Say sputnik...what's with the pen sized hole? Is there a reason? If not duct tape should solve it.


Well-Known Member
this sounds similar to the problems some people are having with extension leads, they forget that some extension leads have little lights or LEDs in them and soon realize after a few weeks that theres a problem, then they wittle it down to the light leaks, you should block it up as soon as you can, but some variety's of marijuana are more prone to hermies than others but light leaks are known to be a cause to this...


Active Member
just want to know how important it is to block out light for lights off. I am low budget so i want to allow heat from the light (600whps) to vent without letting light in.


Active Member
just want to know how important it is to block out light for lights off. I am low budget so i want to allow heat from the light (600whps) to vent without letting light in.
Go to your local hardware store and get some 4" flexible air ducts. Attach it to your tent, seal it off so its light proof, then outside of your tent just run it at a 90degree angle and you won't let any light in but you'll still have your airflow. If you really want to have no light in, put a 90deg bend on the inside and outside of your tent in opposite directions like a more straightened out Z. You'll get like the tiniest little spec of light through and thats about it.