Why are there only 3 point fan leaves coming out? What are these spots?


In my flowering room the girls are already a week in and seem to only be growing 3 point fan leaves and is light green. Before i moved them to the flowering room they were growing 7 and 9 point fan leaves. I used to have my sprayers set at 1 min on 5 min off. I changed it to 1 min on to 30 min off. Ppms used to be 1900-2000. Now i have them set to 1700. Water temp is 71 degrees. The ph is 5.87. It is an aeroponic grow system. Should i have a longer time off on my sprayer? I am also noticing this in my veg room. In there i have the ppms at 720 and the ph at 5.86. Water temps is 71. Also some people think the spots are mites but i have examined with a magnifying glass and am not seeing any mites. I am looking at Ed Rosenthals book and it says it could be mites, magnesium deficiency, or nute burn but I don't know. It doesn't seem to be mites. Any help would be great. I'm gonna drain all my nutes and flush my system tonight. I have einstein oil but i really don't think its mites.



Well-Known Member
The leaves are changing because the flowering hormone has been triggered, and so she's adjusting to that. They are fine, don't worry.

As for the spots, I tried to see them in your pics, but try as I might I just couldn't... The pics are too yellow from your HPS bulb... Can you try to take pics when the lights go off so that we can see the leaves better?

Good luck to you...I hope you're able to figure out the issue.

tree farmer

Well-Known Member
where did the cuts come from? how long were they in veg? under what type of light in veg?

why i ask is because if the cuts came from plants that were in flower stage and you rooted them under floros or weak light and then throw them under intense light some stains will start kicking out 3 fingers or even one finger. they will grow out of it but it can take a little time. some plants will kick out a 3 finger or one finger leaf sometimes also when nothings wrong.


Active Member
I have a similiar story currently, I took clones from differnt spots, same mother all during flowering and 1 that was cut from a weak top turned into two 6 and 8" buds, granted only two buds and the plant was only 8" but two nice buds devoloped better than their 3 ft counterpartrs but they as well only and 1-3 fingers... seen some funny things with cloning thus far... Definitely lots to investigate;... happy smokin 2 ya