WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS help my two ak-48 ladys!!


Active Member
hey all im currently in two weeks and 1 day of flowering after 5 weeks of vegging so their about 7weeks and a day from seed under a 1000wat hps and good air circ with two fans well anyways the both of them have been having slow growth of yellowing and sort of crispy burnt look at the bottom leafs i thought it was a nutural process of flowering but the smaller one of the females are starting to get worse then yesterdayand it looks like its just making its way up i have a certain idea what it might be the medium im using is miracle grow soil the nuts that came with it are as followed 21-12-18 i have tiger bloom but im wondering if i should add it because it has 4-8-6 oh and i been giveing the one teaspoon of salt every feeding per gallon of water what should i do!!! the nitro is way to high how do i lower it?an why are my leafs like this!!!???:?:o:confused:100717-125052.jpg100717-124932.jpg100717-124911.jpg

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Well, you need to stop with the 21-12-18, you're killing them with nitrogen.

Unless you are saying that's the slow release ferts in the soil, I wasn't clear on that.

But if not, I'd give them a good deep watering with pure water and when it was time for your next feeding start with the tiger bloom.

Start it at about 1/4 dose and ease it up from there.

If you keep giving them that much nitrogen, you are going to have a very poor yield.


Active Member
thanks but im not sure if there slow release ferts its just what came with the bag of soil and i do have tiger bloom to add but it would jump the nito to 24 right? okay so just plain water for the time being"?

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
So, you are using the high nitrogen ferts currently, right?

If so, get rid of them, you should have stopped with the high N ferts a couple of weeks before you flowered.

All that nitrogen is going to inhibit flowering.

You need to use your tiger bloom because it's heavy on the P (phosphorus) which is what flowers need.

Leaves and stems need nitrogen and now that you are in flower, you plant doesn't need that much N anymore as it's not going to be producing much foliage from this point on.

Not to mention, if you keep up with the high N food, you're gonna give yourself a P deficiency anyway.


Active Member
ok its slow released ferts here are some pics of the numbers and im also useing this i have tiger bloom but i dont kno how that might react to slow fertsthe bag of miracle gro saids 21 7 14 but addin the bat guano should raise the 7 to 12 help please100717-132750.jpg100717-133157.jpg

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
That's not exactly how that works as for as the npk values.

That bat guano is fine, but how are you using it?

Did you mix it in with your soil, or are you making a tea from it?

I wouldn't worry too much about that slow release stuff, I'd say that a great deal of it has leached away by now.

Give me a little info on what you are doing like watering/feeding schedules, lighting schedules and so forth.

That will help me help you better.


I think that bag actually says 0.21, 0.07, 0.14 anyways...
At this point I wouldn't give anything with such a high N value unless sparingly, or mixed with another fertilizer that has more phosphorous and potassium over time. The guano provides phosphorous (K) but the tiger bloom would already have that well covered if it is 4-8-6.

But did you say you're adding salt to the irrigation water, as in table salt?


Well-Known Member
gah damn.. that's WAY to much Nitrogen buddy.

way too much. wow! :|

This, once again, is another example of just one of the reasons why I never use MG products. Especially their soils.. I just don't like them.

I use a brand called 'Sunshine'. I've nothing but good luck with this brand.. and its very very good soil. Not too thick and not too thin.. just about right. Sometimes though, like the recent bag I bought... I had to mix in a little bit of perlite.. to help with drainage. But other than that, I've never had any problems using this brand of soil. It's very good stuff.

peace... and good luck man. If I were you? Just trying to help here.. but if I were you bro, I would go and buy some new pots, new soil, and transfer those babies into some fresh different brand of soil. They'll thank you for doing it.. and when you pull them out of the pots that their in as of right now.. be really careful, and if you can.. try and get most of the MG soil that's left on the roots when they're actually out of the pots.. maybe even take them to the sink.. and use very very gentle water and wash the MG soil off the roots.. but be careful.

Once they get into new pots, with new soil... and have a good solid week to two weeks worth of TLC and recovery... they'll get back into the swing of things.. and again.. they'll thank you for doing this. If Cannabis plants could talk, they would say "thanks man!". ;)

If you choose not to repot them, well.. good luck to you.. and your babies!



Well-Known Member
those plants are starving for nitrogen. If you start foliar feeding with like a 5-1-1 fert you will stop losing leaves


Well-Known Member
either flush the shit out out of them for the next 2 weeks with straight phd water.. or reopt into other soil.. do a flush asap anyway to see whats the ph runoff. good luck

newb weed grower

Active Member
ok ur plant man
ok here we go anything that has to do with the form is only because u arent having a good enough light on them huh
also u r having way too much nitrogen and slow release is a bad idea for a plant its best to feed urself not with ur dirt by spray
i hear if u doo it ur way u create a personel cycle and that will become ur method


Active Member
thanks for the responses so quickly guys but i water every 2 days with just 6.0 water and once a week with tigerbloom 1 teapsoon per gall once every other week its been flowering under 12/12 for two weeks now i got some pretty colas but other than that and epsolms salt 1 teaspoon per gall when i feed with tiger bloom once every other week


Active Member
so to repot or flush that is the question?still need a little help guys im pretty confused oh and im tryna grow some smoke really not into tea bat guano should help for that right?im useing half a cup per square foot that what it tell me on the bag so about 4 table spoons of the guano


Well-Known Member
i'd repot into a bigger container instead of flush. you don't have too much fertilizer you have a lack of it. your plants want more nitrogen regardless of what other people are saying.


Active Member
absolutly i can see why because the one female i have thats in the bigger vase one to the left is doing fine its just the one that in the paint bucket that im worried about thanks and i dont have any drianage from that bucket i was thinkin it could be that to i have it in a grocery bag in the bucket tho so i can easily lift it from the bucket to a bigger reservoir hopefully thanks for the intell imma do it right away and post up the updates


Active Member
more trouble now im 4 and a half weeks into flowering i added grow big and tiger bloom and they started to show progression but more leaves falling i just hope its due to the stage its in heres more pics im just hopeing that its gonna have enough leaves to finish harvest with any advice and information will be greatly appreciated

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more trouble now im 4 and a half weeks into flowering i added grow big and tiger bloom and they started to show progression but more leaves falling i just hope its due to the stage its in heres more pics im just hopeing that its gonna have enough leaves to finish harvest with any advice and information will be greatly appreciated
i have the same problem about the same time into flower as you. i have no idea why its doing that. hopefully its normal. any input would help!! thanks!


Well-Known Member
man. im using MG with slow release nutes. . . needless to say my 2wk old plants are paying for it. i hope i can repot. id probably advise the same.