why arent my seedlings growing?


Well-Known Member
Heres my seedlings at 9 days old yesterday.
I ve had them in styrfoam cups with foxfarm light warrior since they first showed thier taproot and they emerged 2 days later.
These seeds are dutch passion orange bud.



New Member
they look good but they are probly working on growing roots right now i would assume but they should start getting tall and get more leaves and start branching

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Seedlings are focusing on root growth so you don't see much up top vegetation for a while. Once the roots have grown a bit below soil.... the growth up top will start to happen.

The waiting is definitely the hardest part.... ;)


Well-Known Member
OK. nothin to worry about, thanks.
And also I water at 6.4 PH. couldnt find an official PH for seedlings so I guessed.


Well-Known Member
heres the picture I took today of them. What do you think? I saw another guys plants at 18 days from seed and they just blew mine away and my plants are almost the same age. Is this bad luck? They started out doing so good and now theyre still hella tiny.


Well-Known Member
I have a 400 MH about 18 inches away. It feels pretty warm but I have a fan blowing cool air into the room. But dont seedlings do better under warmth while they develop roots?


Well-Known Member
no kidding. I'll try it if thats the case. I have a couple of t5's with reflctors that I havnt broke out. maby I could throw those in there with the 400 MH.


Well-Known Member
10"! Holy shit! Im not trying to fry them. Isnt just a plain 400 watt more than sufficient for growing seedlings? And if I get that close I think I would be running a risk of stressing or burning the seedling.
But you guys really think this is a light issue?

im fat

Active Member
I'm in the exact same boat... and its really buggen me out! I think its nothing to do with your light... keep it closer so they dont stretch.

my babies are in the same stage as your children, with close to zero growth for like 10 days.

They hatched, grew first set of leaves and just froze. I've seen minuscule growth since.

I figure they're allright cause they're not dead... but my cactus's have been growing faster then this.

They better being growing a SUPERB root system hahaha
I do find slight comfort im not alone... either we are poor parents, or are children are 'special'

im fat

Active Member
maybe if we sing them songs?

maybe we burned/shocked them, and there just in repair mode for a few weeks? who knows?


Well-Known Member
It has to be the plants. these are dutch passion seeds. And whats frustrating is that they started off so nice and now this. This is my first time buying seeds im sick of going to the clubs and buying strains that turn hermaphrodite. I figure you cant go wrong buying them. But im doing everything right. Sufficient lighting, soil, temp, co2, PH etc. Ive got it covered. But I havnt tested the run off. I'lltest when I water them next.


Well-Known Member
We think they're pot-bound. You wouldn't believe how many plants we've had to transplant due to them being pot-bound. They just stop growing...

Here's our plant at 12 days old, which would be the same as yours. I think you should probably just transplant them into a bigger pot and see what happens. Our plants are usually okay after a transplant if they're small. Hope we could help, good luck!


Well-Known Member
root bound!? I dont think mine are even 3 inches tall. how could they have that big of a root system and be so small.
Your saying during this whole time these seedlings have been growing roots? I cut big holes in the styrfoam cup so ill check them out to see if theres any roots pokin out.


Well-Known Member
yes i do think they are pot bound transplant and update in two days i guarantee you see results. the pots that them plants are in is a 8in pot.
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