My Signature here is my opinion on why.
Now I have politically liberal parents ( in some ways ) so I grew up a Democrat more or less.
Here is what I believe happened.
First off the efforts to provide the people with rights was glued to the efforts to have legal sales. Prop 19 aimed at a blanket solution rather than a "baby step" solution.
So in a political effort of all or nothing Prop-19 and the ilk since from California takes on Federal powers against commerce. Also in the last days of Prop-19 the Federal Government did something it shouldn't have. It used it's power to influence an election outcome in California.
Now, with 2012, we were still trying to pass commerce language when the only successful "legalization" effort has been our non-commerce Medical Cannabis laws known as prop-215
We are ignoring baby steps of allowing the people to grow what they want in non-commercial ways and are still trying to define an industry rather than rights for people. Big Fail!
So if we all focus on granting rights and protections to all Californians to grow, consume and share in non-commercial ways for 2016 we will crack open the door for commerce. But we didn't focus on rights for all Californians in 2012 and have splintered into camps of wishful thinkers with out a political base of support and therefore promoted many "Brands" or "Flavors" of "Decriminalization" like RMLW and others that aimed at something California consistently votes no on; "Commerce Language."
We cannot go against the Federal powers over Cannabis Trade. Also to say that allowing people to grow, consume and share in non-commercial ways is somehow bad and we cannot have that is foolish since we already do in the ONLY successful "legalization" effort Prop-215.
What is holding us up and stopping us taking that first Baby-Step is Commerce language in our "Legalization Efforts."
We cannot afford to say to anyone they must have x-square feet. There is no money to enforce that.
We cannot do anything except establish guidelines for our law enforcement to arrest those who are engaging in Commerce with it.
Sure this means that there will be a lot more cannabis and perhaps it will effect the Black Market but as it is now, keeping it illegal is the cause of keeping it valuable. Keeping it valuable is the motive for illegal trading. Keeping it illegal keep the law enforcement industry well funded.
It seems to me that both the Law Enforcement side and the Profiteers side benefit from high Cannabis prices and are against legalization. It would seem that with those two on the same side that the only thing that gets support is a compromise of "Commerce Language" that includes industry on both sides.
So the thing to do for 2016 is to take that Baby-Step of Legalizing for all Californians the rights to Grow, Consume and share in non-commercial ways. To hell with the Cement Shoes of Commerce-Language when the Federal Government has the last word always.
We are wasting our efforts, as seen by history, so an Industry might become legit when we need rights and protections for the people first and most!
We we have the cart before the horse.. We are trying to have business before we have rights as citizens. Some suggest that the Horse and Cart should be side by side but if we do that, as we have seen, we go nowhere.
It's that simple.. The answer is not always Capitalism.