Wassup evry1
My plant is about 3 1/2 ft tall its goin on three months old. Its planted outdoors in plain dirt the onli thing i do is water it evry nite about a half gallon of water and once a week i water it with miracle grow plant food. The problem im having is when i water it the next evening its really wilted if any1 has any info on wat i shoud do i would really appreciate it heres sum pics

This is how it tooks 25 minutes after i water it

My plant is about 3 1/2 ft tall its goin on three months old. Its planted outdoors in plain dirt the onli thing i do is water it evry nite about a half gallon of water and once a week i water it with miracle grow plant food. The problem im having is when i water it the next evening its really wilted if any1 has any info on wat i shoud do i would really appreciate it heres sum pics

This is how it tooks 25 minutes after i water it