Why do some people not trim leaves immediately???


Well-Known Member
i like to with some strains. letthe leaves dry fast. leaveing the bud green still. the leaves break off really nice. i just roll them around. then i dry the bud some more.


Scientia Cannabis
I have heard a few people say it increase taste and smell.
I have not tried it myself (but I will) although I am sceptic of the effect.

I find it a lot easier to trim first.


Well-Known Member
I hung mine complete only because I didn't have time to trim right away. I cut the big fan leaves after 1 day, going to trim the smaller leaves before jarring it. Last plant got a full trim after chop.. I'm not sure there's a difference maybe just preference? Some people say drying whole slows the dry making for a smoother smoke.


Scientia Cannabis
A reason as to why you shouldn't dry the full plant is that it's a lot easier for mold to set in, ventilation, temperature and humidity has a lot to do with that as well.
But untrimmed plants are harder to dry properly and takes longer.

Most people, by far, trim first then dry.