Why do some people struggle with bongs?


New Member
I had a question. I grew up passing multiple bongs around a circle and love to collect glass. I’ve been hanging out with some new people and they all claimed to have smoke a lot but seem thrown off by my bong. I show how and explain multiple times but they can’t seem to just continuously inhale or even get a proper pull. And just so y’all can see I posted a pic of my new glass,it goes by “the truth”... they can’t handle the truth. Also I was thinking about a glass marker or sticker to put on the side, any of you guys do that?


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Probably because that bong looks like a junkyard spaceship :eyesmoke: Keep it simple. Ive been smoking a long time, doesn't mean I have a clue how some specialty boutique bong works. If you wanna knock someone's head of get a steamroller. If you want some smooth smoke, get a grav labs hammer. Simplicity is sophistication.
I didn't mean for my comment to sound like your bong was cheap, it looks well made. Its just got a lot of bells and whistles, I can see how that would be confusing to someone not familiar with it.
I rather smoke a joint. Bong is nice if I do it often enough so my throat gets used to it. Most ppl cant do a full bong hit right off the bat without coughing.
Bongs stink of stale smoke, the thought of it turns my stomach I prefer a joint over one anytime.
I'm looking for flavour in smoking if I want to get blitzed I'd make a yogurt, idk the how or why but mix resin into yogurt and it's a different stone more of a total body fucked stone.
When I was in my youth hot knifes was a thing???
A lot of hassle to smoke hash but Ffs a dot of hash made a mess of me, I always did wonder how such a small piece had a big hit?
Bongs stink of stale smoke, the thought of it turns my stomach I prefer a joint over one anytime.
I'm looking for flavour in smoking if I want to get blitzed I'd make a yogurt, idk the how or why but mix resin into yogurt and it's a different stone more of a total body fucked stone.
If you want flavor, you should try a decent vaporizer. Mine makes all weed taste good. It's crazy.
The truth is bongs intimidate people. They all remember the time they hit "that bong" and it nearly killed them...so they barely hit them.
The truth is bongs intimidate people. They all remember the time they hit "that bong" and it nearly killed them...so they barely hit them.
Lol, I was at my cottage this year and my buddy brought his family up. There were 4 young folk there, all around 20. They were of the opinion bongs were best and that's all they smoked. There were almost 4 drowned young people that week. Not only was it hilarious that apparently young folk need a 2 foot long rig to smoke some pot but the noise was ridiculous. Nothing like making your smoking experience incredibly intrusive on all those around you. We hated sitting in the outdoors listening to a team of people constantly blowing Aqua Man for entertainment. With vapes and dab rings available it seems odd to me that some pick the most annoying way to smoke. Now dont get me wrong, they have their place but there are other just as effective ways to smoke. To each their own I guess.
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