Why do you grow pot?

If you grow marijuana for yourself, then why are you doing it?

  • Don't trust in pot quality on streets

    Votes: 10 26.3%
  • Afraid to buy on streets (bust, sketchy persons ...)

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • For medical use

    Votes: 10 26.3%
  • It's cheaper to grow

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Post your answer

    Votes: 4 10.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Smoked one day and had this question in mind, will trow it here for self interest, answer only those
1) who really grow
2) grow for themselves


Well-Known Member
I grow because I enjoy every aspect of it, it's self-satisfying to be able to grow something from a seed/clone, to something so maginificent, that majority of the world is willing to fight for it's freedom...



Active Member
For me its something I always wanted to do even before I started smoking. Like SLB said there is a lot of satifaction in growing your own, not to mention you can get a lot for cheap. I don't grow for profit just to have fun and get enough to support my medical use. :bigjoint:

Total Head

Well-Known Member
lol who picked the last option in the poll? if you're gonna put a funny option in there at least make it public...


Well-Known Member
I often think that if for some reason I could no longer consume it, I would still like to grow it. It is very fun to grow something that is so forbidden-- and yet so freekin' harmless, even beneficial.

Some people like to drive over the speed limit, some shoplift trinkets, others collect kiddie porn-- the rush of doing something against the rules fuels a lot of that behavior. With mj I can get the rush without the risk of hurting anyone.


Well-Known Member
to stay in my own little world, and its a beauitifull one lol..... but seriously i love the smell, taste, look memories of past grows and watching proggress from things i do. It also just seems to make everthing better:)


Well-Known Member
Why I grow?

1) I grow better weed than I can get from the dispensary.:weed:

2) I grow it cheaper (so cheap I cannot believe it).:weed:

3) I grow way more than I can smoke.:weed:

4) I grow because I like to grow.:weed:

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
1) It's cheaper
2) It's fun
3) It saves you having to carry/conseal it whilst on your way home from dealers
4) You get satisfaction from watching the plants grow/bloom
5) You know exactly what you've got (no dangerous adulterants)
6) You have the ability of never going "dry"

and 7) The SELF-SATISFACTION of smoking something which wouldn't have been there to smoke in the first place if it hadn't been for YOU is just incredible after all your effort is summed up in a single phrase: "Y'know...er...hang on,what was I saying?"


Active Member
I grow because:
1) Its a fantasically entertaining and rewarding hobby. (I get lots of exercise & fresh air and I get to see my babies grow from start to finish)
2) I smoke a lot of weed and its nice to never have to spend money on it. (Over 10 years since I first started smoking and never spent a dime on weed to this day)
3) I can get a decent recovery cost for my excess medicine. (Should I have any excess medicine after I invite a bunch of friends over to try the harvest lol)