Why do YOU smoke Mj


Well-Known Member
Im not sure if theres a thread like this. I did a search so but didnt see anything, but if there is i apologize for copying lol

Like the title says what are the reasons you smoke Green?

Myself i use it to deal with back pain i dont want to have surgery for...honestly

I could eat all kinds of pills that would tear me down but i choose the natural alternative...post away!


Well-Known Member
I do it cause I like to get high. Plus I have insomnia, but that's really only half a reason cause I just use it as an excuse to my family, even though it does help. :)


Well-Known Member
Smoking has literally changed who I am...for the better. I was very goofy, loud, obnoxious and was a generally annoying person. I just didn't care about how others felt or thought of my behavior. Through Herb i've become much more in tune with my emotions. I've become more laid back...More willing to listen and less willing to talk. It's made me more aware of the causes I hold dear, and it gives me a chance to look at my life through a different set of glasses. Some people may argue it has made me more passive. But it's made me a lot less intense, and able to think about decisions before I actually make them.


Well-Known Member
Im not sure if theres a thread like this. I did a search so but didnt see anything, but if there is i apologize for copying lol

Like the title says what are the reasons you smoke Green?

Myself i use it to deal with back pain i dont want to have surgery for...honestly

I could eat all kinds of pills that would tear me down but i choose the natural alternative...post away!
There's a few similar threads about, plus the medicinal forum, but hey, there are thousands of threads here and there a lots of duplicates (especially 'how much do you smoke' and 'stoner music').

We're also medicinal smokers, for a range of conditions/afflictions both physical and psychological.


Well-Known Member
It keeps me sane. Literally. :) I have fought depression my whole life. Being high helps my creative side and I can play music better, my writing's better (I'm a writer) and I feel a sense of accomplishment from producing music or writing something. That helps with my depression.

Also, I've had several bouts of endometriosis in my life. (Girly plumbing problem). It leads to debilitating cramps that put me down several days a month. Two hits off a bowl and the cramps are gone and I can function.

I also have a bit of social anxiety disorder. I can't stand crowds and get ancy in traffic, chaotic stores and anywhere where there's a lot of people. If it wasn't for being high, I'd never leave the house. A couple of bong hits makes it so I can face the world.

Between helping me with depression, endometriosis and social anxiety disorder, I am the walking personification of the reason marijuana should be decriminalized.

...I spend 75% of my time under the influence of marijuana and no one knows but me (and now you.) I don't act stupid in public, I don't force drugs on kids and I don't rob banks. You tell me.....what's the harm?

D E C R I M I N A L I Z E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
the bone around my hip sockets is degenerating slowely weed helps tonumb my mind to the ache an keeps me concentrating on one thing at a time....
but i have smoked recreationaly most my life...now it really helps with my problems


Well-Known Member
It keeps me sane. Literally. :) I have fought depression my whole life. Being high helps my creative side and I can play music better, my writing's better (I'm a writer) and I feel a sense of accomplishment from producing music or writing something. That helps with my depression.

Also, I've had several bouts of endometriosis in my life. (Girly plumbing problem). It leads to debilitating cramps that put me down several days a month. Two hits off a bowl and the cramps are gone and I can function.

I also have a bit of social anxiety disorder. I can't stand crowds and get ancy in traffic, chaotic stores and anywhere where there's a lot of people. If it wasn't for being high, I'd never leave the house. A couple of bong hits makes it so I can face the world.

Between helping me with depression, endometriosis and social anxiety disorder, I am the walking personification of the reason marijuana should be decriminalized.

...I spend 75% of my time under the influence of marijuana and no one knows but me (and now you.) I don't act stupid in public, I don't force drugs on kids and I don't rob banks. You tell me.....what's the harm?

D E C R I M I N A L I Z E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now you made me feel like I copped out with my minimalist response :mrgreen:

I'll elaborate on our (Ph03nix and I) medicinal use in no particular order:

Restless Leg Syndrome
Agoraphobia of sorts (in the city at least)
stress (more than three people [including me] in a room together puts me under stress)
pain associated with calcific tendonitis
Back pain
...and more

We have developed a dosage over the years that works for us. Especially in respect to depression. Too much can exacerbate the problem, so we've found that for us, 1 to 2 grams a day is right.

Rambler420, we are also 'medicated' most of the time. That gram or two we smoke is spread out over a day and we mix with tobacco (but don't usually smoke otherwise). When we have a regular supply, we keep a chop in the bowl all day every day and have cones as needed.

If we have to stop due to supply problems, we suffer mild withdrawals that you would expect to suffer when using a drug regularly and then stopping without weaning off. Once that passes, then we have the problem of the symptoms of the above stuff building up again.

"I can't stand crowds and get ancy in traffic, chaotic stores and anywhere where there's a lot of people. If it wasn't for being high, I'd never leave the house. A couple of bong hits makes it so I can face the world."

The above quote could have come from Ph03nix and I. We are very socially recluse and only leave the house to face crowds and meetings when we have to. We prefer to be away from cities and people, but we have to stay where we are for a little while longer. We're photographers (Ph03nix is an artist as well), so being able to have a medicine that helps us get out and about is essential. As you said about no-one knowing that you're under the influence, it's the same with us.


Well-Known Member
I am a medical patient and have a prescription. When I was younger I worked at UPS and injured my back, so I got a prescription three years later. I notice I am not a moody person when I smoke, It helps me be more of a mellow person around my family as well.


Well-Known Member
Gryphonn -

Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone. I start to wonder sometimes, when I look around me at my boyfriend, my family and all the other people I know that don't smoke and can somehow make it through life, why I can't live as happily as they do, but we're all different. None of us were born perfect.

This is my medicine. This is what keeps me from completely going off the deep end. Insanity is right around the corner. I can see it. I can feel it. I don't want to go there.

....and Christmas is coming. That means c-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s-s-h-o-p-p-i-n-g. Ug. I think I'm going to need an IV of THC to get through that.


Well-Known Member
i just dont like to drink... so i smoke. these last months i have rough lifestyle so sometimes i need to relax. smoke helps against my depression either.


Well-Known Member
mainly because it helps me be more social. before I started smoking, I used to be extremely EXTREMELY quiet. now though, I'm a bit more talkative and have been making more acquaintances. It chills me out and it helps me relax. I just overall love the feeling. It helps with my artistic skills which were pretty much at ZERO before I started, but now it's gotten progressively better. Only a hair better though.


Well-Known Member
I used to smoke just for fun but when I first smoked before bed I realized that it really helped me with sleeping so now I take my bbb whenever I can. also it makes me a lot more sociable and friendly, and Im an enhancement smoker so everything is sooooooo cool when I'm high:mrgreen:


Active Member
I smoke because it makes me feel good. I usually have trouble focusing, but not when I've smoked. Everything becomes one task at a time. And it helps prevent massive stress build-ups. I'm not an every-day smoker, but I find that it does nothing but help me.


Well-Known Member
Smoke cause i enjoy the high and cause i have for 11 years so why stop now. PLus it i have anxiety and helps cause i hate taking xanax and shit


Well-Known Member
Smoking has literally changed who I am...for the better. I was very goofy, loud, obnoxious and was a generally annoying person. I just didn't care about how others felt or thought of my behavior. Through Herb i've become much more in tune with my emotions. I've become more laid back...More willing to listen and less willing to talk. It's made me more aware of the causes I hold dear, and it gives me a chance to look at my life through a different set of glasses. Some people may argue it has made me more passive. But it's made me a lot less intense, and able to think about decisions before I actually make them.
same here, but when i started it was just to get high. Now it has made me a better person. I just love weed. I may sound like an uber stoner but I love weed and if I could I would smoke weed everyday. It has made me a more chill, relaxed person that cares about others. Plus I love being high. And Im a rebel. Enema of the state.