I find the only way to really taste it is in a clean glass pipe. Any other way and you induce other substances.
I use a glass pipeI find the only way to really taste it is in a clean glass pipe. Any other way and you induce other substances.
PGR: The Toxic Chemicals in Your Marijuana - Friendly Aussie Buds
Let's talk about PGR: Plant Growth Regulators. Has it ever occurred to you that the weed you’re smoking may actually be packed full of toxic chemicafriendlyaussiebuds.com
PGR Weed: Your Guide To Toxic Marijuana? | Cannabis Place
Cannabis (weed, marijuana, etc.) and plant growth regulators (PGR) are in the spotlight due to their potentially harmful effects on human consumption in Australia. PGR nutrients may produce harmful chemicals in your weed.www.cannabisplace.com.au
What's Wrong With PGR Weed? | Cannabis Place
Find out what is wrong with PGR weed! The toxic Plant Growth Regulator chemicals lead growers down the wrong path. Read More!www.cannabisplace.com.au
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These are all from the first search page about PGR weed in Australia.
Dude I quoted is not a personal grower.
he’s in it for the money.
I was going to go down in this direction. If the source is unknown anything is possible. If there was a lot of mold the person might have tried to treat it. There are a lot of people that don't understand chemicals and chemistry but sleep in a Holiday Inn and think they are chemists. Remember years ago getting foul smoking stuff but since my source has remained the same that issue has not appeared.All bud tastes like chemicals. THC is a chemical. All terpenes are chemicals. Cannabis is a natural chemical factory. So yeah, chlorine and chemicals actually doesn’t necessarily sound like a bad thing. In fact, the word terpenes comes from the word turpentine.
That said, a chemical cleaning agent taste can be an indication it’s been treated with pesticides or has been contaminated. If only we could attach a smell/taste sample to posts….