Why does talking to ur plants help them grow


Active Member
It has been scientifically proven that plants react to human emotions. When u talk to a plant positively, it responds with better growth whereas sending negative vibes and lashing out at ur plants will stunt it. No one yet really knows the reason for this. My guess is that water also responds to human emotions. An experiment done by a japanese scientist named masaru emoto proves this to be true by photographing ice crystals that form when water from various sources are frozen. Water from holy or pure sources produce intricate and beautiful crystals while water sources such as tap water and city rivers create disformed chaotic shaped crystals. Since water makes up most of the plant's anatomy, then it makes the plant's growth responsive of emotions too. This can be said about people as well since we are also made up of mostly water. When we were kids, emotional reponses such as love from our parents really do effect us and how we grow. Having said that, i believe that love and unity as well as hate and war efffects all living things on our planet, even our water. So stay positive and in doing so, we will change the world.:leaf:
Also check out Masuro emoto's website http://www.masaru-emoto.net/english/
trippy stuff


Active Member
It has been scientifically proven that plants react to human emotions. When u talk to a plant positively, it responds with better growth whereas sending negative vibes and lashing out at ur plants will stunt it. No one yet really knows the reason for this. My guess is that water also responds to human emotions. An experiment done by a japanese scientist named masaru emoto proves this to be true by photographing ice crystals that form when water from various sources are frozen. Water from holy or pure sources produce intricate and beautiful crystals while water sources such as tap water and city rivers create disformed chaotic shaped crystals. Since water makes up most of the plant's anatomy, then it makes the plant's growth responsive of emotions too. This can be said about people as well. When we were kids, emotional reponses such as love from our parents really do effect us and how we grow. Having said that, i believe that love and unity as well as hate and war efffects all living things on our planet, even our water. So stay positive and in doing so, we will change the world.:leaf:
Also check out Masuro emoto's website http://www.masaru-emoto.net/english/
trippy stuff

grow space

Well-Known Member
interesting reading, I belive that plants can feel our presents while we water them or just leave the music playing.
Mythbusters even proved it I think, that plants grow better with music.


Well-Known Member
u exhale carbon dioxide which plants like (c02) while u inhale oxygen they turned out as wasteyour replacing it with the carbon dioxide u breaths out....


Active Member
Carbon dioxide is excreted wen we breath and talk but how bout saying negative things to the plants that stunt their growth? carbon dioxide is no longer the factor then.


Well-Known Member
"Water from holy or pure sources produce intricate and beautiful crystals while water sources such as tap water and city rivers create disformed chaotic shaped crystals."

That doesn't sound like it has anything to do with emotions...it sounds like clean water v. dirty water...


Well-Known Member
u exhale carbon dioxide which plants like (c02) while u inhale oxygen they turned out as wasteyour replacing it with the carbon dioxide u breaths out....
i agree with this, but id also call them girls names and tell them how pretty they all are

id play music for them too, mellow tunes like some pink floyd or stones or clapton

maybe im superstitious. my first thread of my own was about how i had superstitions like this about my plants, and i got ridiculed


Active Member
He also does other experiments such as exposing the water to words such as love and hate. That also affects the formation of crystals.


Well-Known Member
I think it's an interesting idea, but I don't believe it myself. I read that he doesn't do the experiments properly, it's not a double blind study. He's been offered a million dollars if he can repeat his results in a double blind study.


Active Member
don't hate urself 4 it kaleo. deepy hippie shit is wut toke n talk is for. there's many things we do not yet understand. i'm just sayin wut if. i agree that alot of this can be bs and the dude is more of a businessman sellin his ideas but its a good one nonetheless


Well-Known Member
no your not, you just need to meet some

hippies arent just a 70s thing, the movements still goin on bro


Active Member
never understood the hippie movement or the rainbows n flower power. the only flower power i get is wen i smoke em