Ok, Ive posted my problem on other forums and no one can figure out whats wrong with my seedlings.They are about 1 week and the bigger is little over 2 weeks, im just showing 4 but i have like 35 and all look like this. Ive grown for over 5 years now and never came across this problem. Im losing sleep over it and tried everything. I first had a soil mix that i always used and saw this problem so i switched to lamberts pro mix which has peatmoss, vermiculite, perlite, and the right amount of dolimite lime. The P.H. is reading 7.0 for the soil and the water i water them with says 6.0-6.5. I have two 600 watt digital hps's and since its summer now the temps have gone up in my grow room. During the winter they stay a even 75 but now it goes anywhere from 78-83. I havent ferilized yet but i did use Advanced nutrients revive 1-0-0 since they were looking shitty and i used their B-52, Cal/Mg Grow,sensi zym, priranah, trantula, and voodoo juice all in small amounts. Do you think its the heat? or maybe the soil? Or to much or to little cal or mg? Deficiancies? i have no idea ive re transplanted and flushed. Some one has to know