Why doesn't my plant smell dank?


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell now, but looks like she coulda went another 7-10 days, my exp. With autos has been hit and miss. I really feel like you get what you pay for and in the grand scheme of things theres no real "hidden gems" in cheap autos.

Anyway, usually within the first 12 hrs of drying, ypull hit a point where it just smells like grass - unless ur a master degree nasa scientist growing the super dank fire - the grass smell is chlorophyll and its what makes the plant green. As the plant dries it will expell chlorophyll, as you cure & burp & cure & burp - it will replenish terpene smells, as it sweats moisture from the inside out.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Fucking right thanks bud
No worries bro, the cyre is where it all comes back, dont over dry it. Get a small digital humidity guage and throw it in the jar with the weed . you want its to dry and cure around 18-20 celsius 60-64% rh, curing can be slightly colder (in my expirence this has been my best quality of crops thus far) (but im just a drunk idiot)
