Why I Think Democrats Have the Upper Hand on Republicans...

H.M. Murdoch

Well-Known Member
IMHO, just trying to be objective, it seems to me that the democrats kinda sorta have the upper hand on the republicans. And may have for a long time to come.

Set aside the recent midterm election results (since presidents in their 6th years aren't usually popular anyway).

If you don't like the terms "democrat" and "republican", substitute "liberal" and "conservative" (respectively).

OK, here goes:

Republicans speak to the masses, and say "come join us; but we'd really like you to believe mostly like we do". Republicans kinda sorta want everyone to shun abortion, gay rights, marijuana, doctor-assisted suicide, immigration, tax increases, etc. Not all, but most. They do have toleration for some variation, but it seems they don't want much variation. The republicans can be very exclusionary at times, it seems. IMHO.

Democrats, on the other hand, speak to the masses and say "come join us; just join us. Certainly we can find something in common that will motivate us to band together against those damned republicans. If you believe ANYTHING like we do, then you're welcome".

So the democrats get majorities in the marijuana crowd, the abortion crowd, the gay rights crowd, minorities, women, etc.

I think this is supported by even Bob Dole, who recently said something to the effect "The republicans have to learn that they can't be against EVERYTHING".

I think Bob Dole hit it on the head. The republicans have to learn that they can't be against everything. Their core philosophy may need a bit of an overhaul, else they'll never win today's younger voters consistently from election to election.
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IMHO, just trying to be objective, it seems to me that the democrats kinda sorta have the upper hand on the republicans. And may have for a long time to come.

Set aside the recent midterm election results (since presidents in their 6th years aren't usually popular anyway).

If you don't like the terms "democrat" and "republican", substitute "liberal" and "conservative" (respectively).

OK, here goes:

Republicans speak to the masses, and say "come join us; but we'd really like you to believe mostly like we do". Republicans kinda sorta want everyone to shun abortion, gay rights, marijuana, doctor-assisted suicide, immigration, tax increases, etc. Not all, but most. They do have toleration for some variation, but it seems they don't want much variation. IMHO.

Democrats, on the other hand, speak to the masses and say "come join us; just join us. Certainly we can find something in common that will motivate us to band together against those damned republicans. If you believe ANYTHING like we do, then you're welcome".

So the democrats get majorities in the marijuana crowd, the abortion crowd, the gay rights crowd, minorities, women, etc.

I think this is supported by even Bob Dole, who recently said something to the effect "The republicans have to learn that they can't be against EVERYTHING".

I think Bob Dole hit it on the head. The republicans have to learn that they can't be against everything. Their core philosophy may need a bit of an overhaul, else they'll never win today's younger voters consistently from election to election..

Good post, one thing I would add is the significance Christianity has in the GOP and their base
IMHO, just trying to be objective, it seems to me that the democrats kinda sorta have the upper hand on the republicans. And may have for a long time to come.

Set aside the recent midterm election results (since presidents in their 6th years aren't usually popular anyway).

If you don't like the terms "democrat" and "republican", substitute "liberal" and "conservative" (respectively).

OK, here goes:

Republicans speak to the masses, and say "come join us; but we'd really like you to believe mostly like we do". Republicans kinda sorta want everyone to shun abortion, gay rights, marijuana, doctor-assisted suicide, immigration, tax increases, etc. Not all, but most. They do have toleration for some variation, but it seems they don't want much variation. The republicans can be very exclusionary at times, it seems. IMHO.

Democrats, on the other hand, speak to the masses and say "come join us; just join us. Certainly we can find something in common that will motivate us to band together against those damned republicans. If you believe ANYTHING like we do, then you're welcome".

So the democrats get majorities in the marijuana crowd, the abortion crowd, the gay rights crowd, minorities, women, etc.

I think this is supported by even Bob Dole, who recently said something to the effect "The republicans have to learn that they can't be against EVERYTHING".

I think Bob Dole hit it on the head. The republicans have to learn that they can't be against everything. Their core philosophy may need a bit of an overhaul, else they'll never win today's younger voters consistently from election to election.

nice observation..sadly, nothing new.

republicans don't see themselves as they truly are, which is as you described..you MUST believe as they do..they insist on it and if you don't, they will resort to violence.
IMHO, just trying to be objective, it seems to me that the democrats kinda sorta have the upper hand on the republicans. And may have for a long time to come.

Set aside the recent midterm election results (since presidents in their 6th years aren't usually popular anyway).

If you don't like the terms "democrat" and "republican", substitute "liberal" and "conservative" (respectively).

OK, here goes:

Republicans speak to the masses, and say "come join us; but we'd really like you to believe mostly like we do". Republicans kinda sorta want everyone to shun abortion, gay rights, marijuana, doctor-assisted suicide, immigration, tax increases, etc. Not all, but most. They do have toleration for some variation, but it seems they don't want much variation. The republicans can be very exclusionary at times, it seems. IMHO.

Democrats, on the other hand, speak to the masses and say "come join us; just join us. Certainly we can find something in common that will motivate us to band together against those damned republicans. If you believe ANYTHING like we do, then you're welcome".

So the democrats get majorities in the marijuana crowd, the abortion crowd, the gay rights crowd, minorities, women, etc.

I think this is supported by even Bob Dole, who recently said something to the effect "The republicans have to learn that they can't be against EVERYTHING".

I think Bob Dole hit it on the head. The republicans have to learn that they can't be against everything. Their core philosophy may need a bit of an overhaul, else they'll never win today's younger voters consistently from election to election.


Republicans lay out their position as a party, and as individuals, and you can agree or not. Your Choice

democrats agree with whatever the hoi polloi are in favour of this election cycle, if it gets them votes, they are for it, or against it, whatever they think is most popular, while they spend the majority of their efforts talking about how evil the republicans are.

check the party platforms and youll see that it's true.


the republican platforms are consistent, while the dems blow with the wind, and try to sway the moron vote with their bandwagon fallacies and ad hominems.
nice observation..sadly, nothing new.

republicans don't see themselves as they truly are, which is as you described..you MUST believe as they do..they insist on it and if you don't, they will resort to violence.
ohh you mean like throwing out duly elected delegates and turning fire hoses on em, just before they release the hounds?

oh wait, that was the dems...
IMHO, just trying to be objective, it seems to me that the democrats kinda sorta have the upper hand on the republicans. And may have for a long time to come.

Set aside the recent midterm election results (since presidents in their 6th years aren't usually popular anyway).

If you don't like the terms "democrat" and "republican", substitute "liberal" and "conservative" (respectively).

OK, here goes:

Republicans speak to the masses, and say "come join us; but we'd really like you to believe mostly like we do". Republicans kinda sorta want everyone to shun abortion, gay rights, marijuana, doctor-assisted suicide, immigration, tax increases, etc. Not all, but most. They do have toleration for some variation, but it seems they don't want much variation. The republicans can be very exclusionary at times, it seems. IMHO.

Democrats, on the other hand, speak to the masses and say "come join us; just join us. Certainly we can find something in common that will motivate us to band together against those damned republicans. If you believe ANYTHING like we do, then you're welcome".

So the democrats get majorities in the marijuana crowd, the abortion crowd, the gay rights crowd, minorities, women, etc.

I think this is supported by even Bob Dole, who recently said something to the effect "The republicans have to learn that they can't be against EVERYTHING".

I think Bob Dole hit it on the head. The republicans have to learn that they can't be against everything. Their core philosophy may need a bit of an overhaul, else they'll never win today's younger voters consistently from election to election.

I actually agree with most of your analogy of the pubs.

I see the dems as saying, give us your vote and we'll give you all sorts of free stuff and we'll have the successful americans pay for it.
so beenghere is parroting bill o'reilly almost verbatim and kkkynes is trying to intimate that democrats are racist.

just want to make sure i have that right.