Why is are my leaves droopy =[


Well-Known Member
I recently moved them into a new area and put 10 CFL lights. I have a fan that blows CO2 in. I am going to install my fans and exhaust tomorrow morning.

So I checked on them last night around 2 AM and noticed that their leaves were droopy. I was pretty flipping out and I tried to research what is wrong. Maybe too much watering, maybe lack of nutrients. I dunno =[ PLEASE HELPPPP :!: Thanks in advance

P.S I'll post up pictures tomorrow


Well-Known Member
I'm not to sure about your case, but over watering can do it. I recently just figured that out myself : )


Active Member
are they always droopy or is it perky at times and droopy other times because my plant gets droopy when the light is about to go off. and in the morning it will be nice and perky.


Well-Known Member
Flush your grow medium use just water make ph round about 5.5 get rid of any excess salt build ups.i flush my plants about once every 3/4 week anyhow.when plants are drooping and looking sad it is normaly something to do with water either not enougth or too much i cant say only you know how much water your plants get.but most of the problems on this site are normaly caused by watering once you have flushed your plants it may sound stupid if your plants are wet through allready make sure u flush them at least 4 times let water run out of bottom then do another 3 times make sure that you do not water again untill they are realy dry,don't get into the my plants need watering everyday or every other day only water when your plant are allmost dry this will cause the roots to search out water i water when the top is a dusty dry that does not mean that at the bottom will be its the lights that dry the top layer i normaly cut round tops that fit into the tops and put a hole in the middle larger than the root stem this stops most of your vauble nutes getting dry by the lights.leave them to dry before you water again and you will see a huge differance lovely white roots that will often come through the holes in the bottom of pot has soon has this happens put into bigger pot or if you are at your limmit cut them back.


Well-Known Member
Flush your grow medium use just water make ph round about 5.5 get rid of any excess salt build ups.i flush my plants about once every 3/4 week anyhow.when plants are drooping and looking sad it is normaly something to do with water either not enougth or too much i cant say only you know how much water your plants get.but most of the problems on this site are normaly caused by watering once you have flushed your plants it may sound stupid if your plants are wet through allready make sure u flush them at least 4 times let water run out of bottom then do another 3 times make sure that you do not water again untill they are realy dry,don't get into the my plants need watering everyday or every other day only water when your plant are allmost dry this will cause the roots to search out water i water when the top is a dusty dry that does not mean that at the bottom will be its the lights that dry the top layer i normaly cut round tops that fit into the tops and put a hole in the middle larger than the root stem this stops most of your vauble nutes getting dry by the lights.leave them to dry before you water again and you will see a huge differance lovely white roots that will often come through the holes in the bottom of pot has soon has this happens put into bigger pot or if you are at your limmit cut them back.
Thanks for the advice! I'm going to flush my plants today! I'll let you guys know if my plants start looking normal again