Why is grandaddy purple so scarce?


Well-Known Member
Ive been to several dispensaries throughout the united states plus local farmers, ive notce i can rarely find GDP. Ten years ago GDP was everywhere now im lucky to find it in the bay if i search. I assume GDP has been crossed, reinvented, and renamed. But even the hybrids rarely retain the grapey skunky terpene profiles. Why is GDP so scarce?? Even the OG farmers i know dont do outdoor crops of it anymore. I understand people grow what is popular and what consumers want. Im just confused why i can't find it as easily
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Ive been to several dispensaries throughout the united states plus local farmers, ive notce i can rarely find GDP. Ten years ago GDP was everywhere now im lucky to find it in the bay if i search. I assume GDP has been crossed, reinvented, and renamed. But even the hybrids rarely retain the grapey skunky terpene profiles. Why is GDP so scarce?? Even the OG farmers i know dont do outdoor crops of it anymore. I understand people grow what is popular and what consuners want. Im just confused why i can't find it as easily
True granddaddy is like a lot of strains hard to find if you can find it at all if I’m not mistaken @bigworm6969 has crosses with the gpd
Where I’m at I still see everything .. I feel like I see more bc of the density of the amount of people in my area ..everything from NorCal to SoCal I see I’m in a buyers market if that makes sense

With that said I just passed on some gdp it’s cool and all but it’s all about popularity rn so gdp is not getting the ticket it used to get .. Purple punch like someone said is The new gdp
Seems like when some strains lose popularity people just stop growing or breeding with it

I feel the same way about Green Crack and Amnesia Haze

it was everywhere a few years back and now you rarely see any flowers or crosses with those strains
We’ve actually got quite a bit of green crack floating around Tulsa dispos, but I rarely see any hazes. Everyone here grows auto flowers too so I don’t even know anyone who grows any hazes.
We’ve actually got quite a bit of green crack floating around Tulsa dispos, but I rarely see any hazes. Everyone here grows auto flowers too so I don’t even know anyone who grows any hazes.
True Hazes take to long to grow Commercial growers rarely waste their time on Sativa's/Hazes because of the long flower period and airy buds just dosn't make economical sense when they can pump out rock hard glam nugg's in 8 weeks of Indica all about $$ but hey can you blame them ?
True Hazes take to long to grow Commercial growers rarely waste their time on Sativa's/Hazes because of the long flower period and airy buds just dosn't make economical sense when they can pump out rock hard glam nugg's in 8 weeks of Indica all about $$ but hey can you blame them ?
I find Sativa buds look much more special, esp. if they foxtail. I wonder why you just can't ask for for it, it's just another sub-class of the product. I mean for people who deal with this plant on an everyday basis, its easy to distuingish between distinct budform of sativa, indica or hybrid. so you got different apples, and yes some of them do cost more.
Ive been to several dispensaries throughout the united states plus local farmers, ive notce i can rarely find GDP. Ten years ago GDP was everywhere now im lucky to find it in the bay if i search. I assume GDP has been crossed, reinvented, and renamed. But even the hybrids rarely retain the grapey skunky terpene profiles. Why is GDP so scarce?? Even the OG farmers i know dont do outdoor crops of it anymore. I understand people grow what is popular and what consumers want. Im just confused why i can't find it as easily
GDP is a notoriously low yielding plant, this a common problem in the purple family, and effects Purple Urkle, and Grape Ape, too. So you have to do more work to get a decent yield and it’s not worth it for most commercial growers. Thus, they move onto more profitable clones and GDP becomes a legend from the past.
GDP is a notoriously low yielding plant, this a common problem in the purple family, and effects Purple Urkle, and Grape Ape, too. So you have to do more work to get a decent yield and it’s not worth it for most commercial growers. Thus, they move onto more profitable clones and GDP becomes a legend from the past.
Oh yeah, back in the day when you were get $4-5k a pound with minimal competition why not grow GDP or urkle? But when you're getting 1600-1800 a pound if you're lucky ain't no way you're growing GDP vs sour D or a chem giving huge yields. Money just ain't there.
GDP is a notoriously low yielding plant, this a common problem in the purple family, and effects Purple Urkle, and Grape Ape, too. So you have to do more work to get a decent yield and it’s not worth it for most commercial growers. Thus, they move onto more profitable clones and GDP becomes a legend from the past.
Remarkable plant the Ape is. Gorgeous purple flowers that smell like that sweet artificial grape flavor and buds with beautiful orange hairs and a stone that'll floor even the most experienced stoner. But by god, that plant grows like old people fuck... SLOW! And it doesn't produce like most of these Poly Hybrids do these days, so if you're growing it; most of the time it's for a personal head stash.
Remarkable plant the Ape is. Gorgeous purple flowers that smell like that sweet artificial grape flavor and buds with beautiful orange hairs and a stone that'll floor even the most experienced stoner. But by god, that plant grows like old people fuck... SLOW! And it doesn't produce like most of these Poly Hybrids do these days, so if you're growing it; most of the time it's for a personal head stash.
I cherish my cut of Grape Ape but she is so slow to veg.