Why is it assumed that everyone here is a "bro"?

Gals can grow weed too! I was hoping my avatar would be a dead giveaway, but I guess not. It's all good. Thanks for all the great advice!
There's heaps of girls growing on here most better then me, chin up mate, Plus that avatar aint giving away nothiing in fact I would of assumed it was a bloke from that avatar good luck Silky T (I keep thinking your name is short for silky terrier probably wrong)
There's heaps of girls growing on here most better then me, chin up mate, Plus that avatar aint giving away nothiing in fact I would of assumed it was a bloke from that avatar good luck Silky T (I keep thinking your name is short for silky terrier probably wrong)
Close. My name is Terry, yes, with a y. But terrier fits too!