Why is there water on my plant?

Right so I do NOT spray my plant with water at this stage anymore last time I did it was like a week ago but yesterday I watered, I woke up rn and there's water on my plant. What does this mean? Never seen this before. Thanks you all for replies.



Well-Known Member
Right so I do NOT spray my plant with water at this stage anymore last time I did it was like a week ago but yesterday I watered, I woke up rn and there's water on my plant. What does this mean? Never seen this before. Thanks you all for replies.
im on my first grow in a tent and I’ve periodically noticed drops of a water like substance on some of the leaves throughout although not often. Ma mate shit me up saying it was a precursor for bugs but I’m now in last few days and had no bug issues… I will be interested to see some pro’s thoughts. I’ve just put it down to random drops of condensation…


Well-Known Member
How’s the humidity? I’ve only noticed that when my humidity is too high with no air circulation. Breeding ground for mold, be careful. Mold loves stagnant air.


Well-Known Member
Mines been around 60-70% throughout… had no issue with the rot so far and I’m chopping in a couple of days so looks like I’ve had a lucky escape. I’ve got decent circulation though.

im having to dry in same tent so I’m gonna have to sort a dehumidifier for then I’m guessing?


Well-Known Member
Mines been around 60-70% throughout… had no issue with the rot so far and I’m chopping in a couple of days so looks like I’ve had a lucky escape. I’ve got decent circulation though.

im having to dry in same tent so I’m gonna have to sort a dehumidifier for then I’m guessing?
60-70% humidity is high for flowering, although if you have the right air flow and circulation you can get away with it. Especially if your room is sealed. I personally wouldn’t in fear of bud rot, but if you managed without it, awesome.