Why is this tent grown plant short and it's sisters outside same age, but taller.


why is this plant so short. 3 weeks old. i have the same kind of plants outside, and they are the same age, have the same amount of leaves & stems. the one i have inside, seems like the nodes (i think that's what they are called) are really close together. Is this normal?
oh, and do you guys think it is early to top it? i heard you get 2 main colas if you do that. but i also heard something about "femming" i think, where you can get more? i might be confused about it.

when this baby reaches 4 weeks old, i would like to put it to flower. but it seems so short for its age, but has the same amount of leaf sets as the ones i have outside. i will post pics of those later today.



Active Member
They are all different plants still, so they are not going to grow exactly the same as each other. You want the nodes to be fairly close, if they are far apart, it means the plant is stretching. I would say it is too small to top, there are differing opinions, but I think you want 5-6 nodes. There are a lot of really good threads about topping here, you should check those out.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
different environments , diff amount of light , different humidity and co2 wind or fan ,every thing adds up


Well-Known Member
I take it they are all females as males always grow taller than females.
And females will grow shorter and have a smaller internode spacing than the males.