WHY MUST THEY DIE updated photos Next plant dieing now


this is a contuniation of the WHY MUST THEY DIE thread with new pictures added. my next plant is dieing now and im still stumped. i do not have access to an RO filter but am thinking of some micro bacteria, do you think this can help in a 2 week period to help recover the roots at all if that it indeed what the problem is?



Active Member
This is the reason why I do not want to ever go hydro to many things can go wrong and all your hardwork right down the drain soil is way more forgiving at least you can salvage something from soil sorry to see this man ...


Well-Known Member
Flush, Flush, Flush! Go and pick up some 5 gallon jugs of drinking water and flush that muther out! Clean everything from rez to pumps and feeding tubes. Don't give up too close to the end. Good Luck and Keep your head up!


Well-Known Member
the temp of your res water should be low 70s even mid 60s. add a little h202. check your ph. check your ppm. make sure your room isnt too hot. make sure you dont have alge in your rez either. make sure your roots are getting enough air from the air stones. ummm when i think of more stuff ill let you know


Well-Known Member
They look really hot and theye might be too crowded, maybe get another fan on them or something, or could you be over watering?