Why President Obama?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else agree with this?...

I really can't understand why obama has getting a Nobel Peace award, to me it's just wrong.

Anyone exactly know why he was awarded with the nobel peace prize? because I think it's way to early to be giving it him this early in his reign


Well-Known Member
I don't get it easy, we're staying in the middle east long how is that any more peaceful? I think we should just leave everyone alone, but then again, Peace doesn't sell as much as Mass murder and destruction.


Active Member
Because he is the new face of "hope." The goverment wants to sell the world "hope." So they are using the most creditable face to market it. Dont get me wrong I am glad the Brother made it, but something is going on that we are not informed of.


Well-Known Member
It's the goddamn proof that this world has ultimately gone to shit... fucking pissed me off.

Nobel Peace Prize... to Obama... get fuckin' reallll...


Well-Known Member
I don't understand it, people in the running have saved peoples lifes, people spending there entire lifes on science, research etc and obama has been president in a couple of months and is not really delivering what he said on in the election campaign.

When he was trying to campaigning to be president, I thought he was gonna bring something new to the usa but he just hasn't.


Well-Known Member
Our young men are getting shot up and killed in Afganastain while Obamma worries about giving the people who already have goverement hand outs more and more and he gets the Nobel Peace Prize. Not to mention unemployment is 9.8 percent, the higest since 1982. We are facing real anarchy if unemployment continues to climb and our goverment spends and spends and spends.


Well-Known Member
that's completely despicable . . . . he's barely even been in office a year, not even a year, and now they're claiming he deserves a peace prize for simply being a slightly COMPETENT president?

bah this is pathetic.