Why Science is Failing Us


over shadowing is a huge issue in the scientific community. only know is it being addressed with scorn.


nothing is definitive in natural science. truth is merely a brick in the foundation of knowledge towards the path of elightenment.


Well-Known Member
Good point. Science as an honest investigation is one thing, as an institutionalized and constricted instrument of dogma is another.


Well-Known Member
Era | Life expectancy

Paleolithic 33
Neolithic 20
Classic Greece/Rome 28
Medieval Britain 30
Early Modern Britain 40+
Early 20th century 30-45
Current world average 67.2

science - failing to let us live 3 times longer!

i can go on and on about all the things science has "failed" us on...but why don't i let you elaborate on exactly how science has failed us or is failing us.

this should be mighty interesting.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Era | Life expectancy

Paleolithic 33
Neolithic 20
Classic Greece/Rome 28
Medieval Britain 30
Early Modern Britain 40+
Early 20th century 30-45
Current world average 67.2

science - failing to let us live 3 times longer!

i can go on and on about all the things science has "failed" us on...but why don't i let you elaborate on exactly how science has failed us or is failing us.

this should be mighty interesting.
It's not about you UB...I'm not letting you take this one for a ride. Why dont you just read the article? Or leave the thread...


Well-Known Member
Era | Life expectancy

Paleolithic 33
Neolithic 20
Classic Greece/Rome 28
Medieval Britain 30
Early Modern Britain 40+
Early 20th century 30-45
Current world average 67.2

science - failing to let us live 3 times longer!

i can go on and on about all the things science has "failed" us on...but why don't i let you elaborate on exactly how science has failed us or is failing us.

this should be mighty interesting.
Technological advance is a double edged sword, but this is entirely a red herring in regard to the article. It's about how science has shifted into a reliance on statistics, at our detriment.


whats truly amusing, from a outside perspective, if such a thing even exist, is how we ignorantly cant account for 80% of the universe. we know its there, for we can observe its effects on matter. so, technically, we only see 20% of what truly exist.

humbling questions.


New Member
I read the article but it doesn't sound to me that science is failing us, more like there is just a lot of wrong conclusions. If we're honest we kind of expect that don't we?


Well-Known Member
That's stretching.. Science isn't failing us, some people are failing at science. We do the best with what we have, sometimes some people fuck up.. Science is not failing at anything.


Well-Known Member


New Member

wtf is this the 17th century...yeah sure SOME science I laugh at (like those dildos on mythbusters who half the time change what there experiment was suppose to prove halfway during the show) but in general....I have to ahgree with the guy that said science is making us live 3x longer. If you can justl ive log enough theres a good chance we may even achieve some level of immortality with the cures we got going on today for many diseases and many more to come.


Well-Known Member
Statistics is Voodoo...the mean of the mean of the mean...

Thanks ANC...you always post interesting sh!t.



Well-Known Member
Part of the scientific method involves coming across a false hypothesis and fixing it.