Why so droopy?


Active Member
So i've been giving them 1/4 str Sensi A/B Bloom hobbyist feed and watering throughouly but waiting for them to dry out 2in deep.
What's the prob, could it be root bound there in 3gal pots and are autoflowering trans-siberian, i've read that a 3gal pot is enough for a autoflower.
Mylar sheet is on the bottom for more light energy from my cfls for bottom foilage


Well-Known Member
At the bottom of the first pic it looks more wilting as in too little water, but pic 3 shows clear signs of it swimming (i.o.w. too much water). And since you said you watered them "thoroughly", it sounds like you drowned them. Could be root probs now though as a result of over and under watering earlier.


Well-Known Member
I would take the foil stuff of my dirt just so the soil can breath that's just me tho . and I have no other reason for saying so. Good luck with the Ladys


Well-Known Member
I would take the foil stuff of my dirt just so the soil can breath that's just me tho . and I have no other reason for saying so.
No, that's me too. If they were younger (less roots) I'd even scrape off a little of the top soil. Reason being to let some of the excess water vaporize and the soil dry faster.

Then again, never had these problems since I got a tensio meter... I don't know how you guys in the US grow without it. I'd put it higher on the list than a PH meter when growing on soil. Nr 1 cause of death (or sickness and weak plants and low yields) for MJ plants grown on soil by hobbyist is over watering.


Active Member
those moisture meters are pretty cheap, like under 10 bucks at home depot, but honestly, after a few weeks of using it, you can easily get a good feel by the weight of the pots for when they need watering. My vote also "overwatering" btw :p.


Active Member
Thanks all! i will try to let them dry out a little longer from here on in. This is my 2nd grow btw and the they are smart pots. Its a different type of material that doesn't cause root curling.


Well-Known Member
I would personally get rid of the mylar on the soil. It will do zip as far as light reflection is concerned but it will reduce the air flow to your roots and set up the right conditions for a whole bunch of nasty shit like molds and fungus being a couple of them.


Active Member
i always leave it off the first two days after watering. untill the top of the soil is dry. To prevent it the smart pots allow aeration from all sides of the pot (not plastic). But all of the other plants are just fine its just this one. I have took the mylar off of it and will monitor is there any other ideas?


Well-Known Member
ditch the foil, your goal is to re-inact the growing conditions outdoors. If it is over wattered then the moisture from the soil isnt being released and is probably cold to the touch.


Active Member
Its about 70 degrees up there gets low 60s at night. I have taken off the mylar for that plant, but none of the others are showing any signs of stress. And i haven't been turning on my 12" fan because its too cold up there at night for it but i just turned it on to increase the air flow, Thanks again


Well-Known Member
What do the leaves look like? Deep shiny green or just your standard leaf color? Can't see in the picture.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all! i will try to let them dry out a little longer from here on in. This is my 2nd grow btw and the they are smart pots. Its a different type of material that doesn't cause root curling.
since they are in smart pots, I would probably look elsewhere for the cause of your drooping (although letting dry out enough between waterings is important)
Do a ph and EC check of your soil. what kind of soil ? are there organic ferts in it? Potassium defciency and too much Na, can cause drooping. whats the NPK of your ferts.


Active Member
Ph is at like 3-5, i've already purchased some powdered dolomite to help with the ph problem. I'm using sensi A 3-0-0 and B 2-5-8, 6ml of A and 9ml of B and some others Big Bud and B52 which are for micronutes as i understand. But i'll take another pic when the lights go off it has drooped even more today but i've take the mylar off.


Well-Known Member
Ph is at like 3-5, i've already purchased some powdered dolomite to help with the ph problem. I'm using sensi A 3-0-0 and B 2-5-8, 6ml of A and 9ml of B and some others Big Bud and B52 which are for micronutes as i understand. But i'll take another pic when the lights go off it has drooped even more today but i've take the mylar off.
soil pH 3.5 or between 3 - 5? Hard to believe your soil pH is really that low, are you sure your pH meter is working correctly?

If so I would get some CalMag and potassium based silicates, and add light doses to your watering mix. Its a little late for dolomite since it will work too slow, although it should be good for new potting mix.

Whats the pH of your watering solutions ?


Active Member
you add powdered dolomite to your water its fast acting and effective. my ph meter i think is off as well and as well all know dolomite has trace elements of mag