Why such a growth diff? pics


Active Member
Same strain, same germ time, same everything. There are six in total, 4 are all pretty small but same size and growth rate. The other 2 are much bigger and are also the same size and growth as each other.

All are just over 2 weeks old. Any idea for the difference??

Thanks folks



Well-Known Member
need more info... besides from the pic it doesnt look like you have much lighting although i could be wrong. what are you using for light?


Active Member
400W hps... plants are about 10-12" from the light. I took them out of the cab to take the pics. Its just that all plants are exposed to the same conditions and have the same watering schedule, same soil, etc. If they were all slow, then ok, but why the diff? All grown from seed and are now at 2 weeks.

I've heard something about males growing faster perhaps? I would expect some variation none the less, but for 2 to be the same, and the other 4 to be the same seems strange.


Active Member
Plants are like people, they don't all grow at the same rate.
I see you've got over 11000 posts... and u've only been a member for just under a year. Wow! Thats like 40 a day or something. I guess some people are like plants - veg'ing out all day ;P

Just a joke, haha. pls dont take it the wrong way. Much respect.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yes like it was said just cuz the same strain does't mean they will grow at the same rate. same with cloneing