I am from when they did not have CFL's... Just wondering what the big push is to use the CFL's instead of 18" / 24" 48" Tubes?
Unless I am wrong and I could be, 2 X 48" tubes seems as though it would give of more light than say 3-4 100Watt CFL Bulbs ? and with them being in a fixture, all light is direct down towards the plants instead of in every direction like the CFL's
I guess I am asking if the reason is some just do not have room to hang a 2' or 4' fixture?
I have always used tubes and did just fine
Unless I am wrong and I could be, 2 X 48" tubes seems as though it would give of more light than say 3-4 100Watt CFL Bulbs ? and with them being in a fixture, all light is direct down towards the plants instead of in every direction like the CFL's
I guess I am asking if the reason is some just do not have room to hang a 2' or 4' fixture?
I have always used tubes and did just fine