Why won't you grow?!?!


I germinated some seeds (3 days) and once they cracked I placed them each in 1" rockwool cubes that were soaked in 5.5 pH water. Then I lined the bottom of 2 4" pots with a layer of newspaper, then a layer of perlite, then filled the rest of the pot with organic potting soil, leaving 1 inch to the top free. I made a little ditch to stick each cube in and leveled the dirt with cube to make it even. The seeds were kept under 4 CFLs (2 - 100W and 2 - 120W) 24/7 receiving water any time the soil became dry and dusty on top. It has been a week now and the seeds have shown no progress past where they were after germinating. Any ideas?


try not to water too much u can get root rot very easy but other than that just give it time sometimes sprouts take 7-14 days some seeds are stubborn trust me i know


Well-Known Member
highly doubt it is whats effecting your germination, but just fyi, in soil mediums you are aiming for a higher pH than 5.5 (thats more of a hydro pH). The pH you would want your water at is going to depend on your mediums composition and current pH level. Ive got a pic included that should help with the soil pH you are looking for.