whys pot illegal but anti depressants arent


Active Member
Loading up a trailer at my boss's house this morning, anyways very long story short family friend.next door shot himself in the head and we walked up on him laying in the flower bed, shit will make you sick that that shit is prescribed every day to people everyday and doctors know the side effects. Hell of a morning, the beers came early today


Well-Known Member
Because pot doesn't bring in as much revenue for pharmaceutical companies as anti-depressant do...
And weed won't make you kill yourself...
Nothing's free nowadays...even death is expensive now...
Sorry for your loss :(


Well-Known Member
Because this country is ran by Big Corporations and the pharmaceutical companies are the biggest money making mofos out there.. Like Dave Chapelle says " Its all druuugs to mee"


Well-Known Member
Sorry for your loss.

I hate the pharmaceutical companies too. Anti depressants are a huge crock of shit. They may help some people at first but realistically you can never quit taking them if you want to remain chemically balanced. That shit literally rewires your brain.

Feeling unhappy that day? Take an anti depressant. Having a bad week? Better get you on anti depressants.

Humans are meant to experience the ups and downs of life. Being happy all the time just isn't realistic.


Well-Known Member
These companies as well as the worlds leaders are all linked together. Health problems are created by these large corporations and although they knowingly know the effects of their production, they still continue to do so for the money. Its sad too when uninformed people argue in favor of these designer drugs over something that is grown all natural with actual beneficial effects. I have a friend whose parent actually suggested drinking for the increased stress that she was having.


Been down that road and from the personal experience, i would rather go near the king cobra to it´s radius of deadly attack more pleasingly than i would ever consider touching antidepressants again. If they help some people it´s fine by me, use them and im happy for you if you find youre salvation by chemically altering youre state of mind constantly. The way i defeated my depression - mushrooms, took them 2 years ago and was cured. Havent tried them since but will probably do so sometime in future. I took a low dose and it was efficent, depression didn´t go away instantly but it kinda started to fade slowly and i felt how each and every day felt like more worth living, all the underlying reasons for unhappiness and tought processes that would feed my depression were revealed to me and i could take step towards reprogramming that mess that was inside my head.
Why is pot illegal? Over the years i have found that the most simple anwsers seem to be most accurate and closer to truth. At the end of the day in todays society, it all boils down to profit. Think for a moment about how valuable commodities illegal drugs actually are for some organizations, and they share a common interest with lawful organizations by keeping it illegal. It´s a blissful equilibrium so the both sides could profit. And they do, day in, day out.


Well-Known Member
That's all from a business stand point though, I know many people like you and me that there would be much healthier and more open minded people if it were legalized. But again it goes back to money, Big Pharma would lose too much money to compete with something that would really only bring money to professional growers who distribute their seeds and or clones. About the mushrooms though, I'm glad they helped you out of your depression. Definitely brings you back down to Earth to look at the real things that matter. I read somewhere that people should trip on shrooms/ayehuasca every 2 months or so to help you stay closer to nature and cleanse you.


Active Member
Ugh I was on zoloft for like a year. I stopped taking them when the brain shivers started...

sorry for your loss


Active Member
Ugh I was on zoloft for like a year. I stopped taking them when the brain shivers started...

sorry for your loss
Damn man i got that from Prozac withdrawals horrible horrible feeling! Prozac is the anti-christ!

Hey why are they anti-depressants and not PRO-HAPPINESS? makes ya think..


That's all from a business stand point though, I know many people like you and me that there would be much healthier and more open minded people if it were legalized. But again it goes back to money, Big Pharma would lose too much money to compete with something that would really only bring money to professional growers who distribute their seeds and or clones. About the mushrooms though, I'm glad they helped you out of your depression. Definitely brings you back down to Earth to look at the real things that matter. I read somewhere that people should trip on shrooms/ayehuasca every 2 months or so to help you stay closer to nature and cleanse you.
I´m not so sure about proffesional growers want marijuana to be legalized, at least here where i live the prohibition seems to work for their advantage as in any business - greater the risk, greater the reward. Also the whole nutrient industry would lose a lot, because their prices are hyped by the mere factor that their customers are involved growing plants that generate greatest potential earning for time/cost involved and can pay the otherwise ridiculous price. That´s how i see it but maybe you could enlighten me because that point of view is only my perception of how things are, based on whats happening around me and maybe things are different in other parts of the world. I don´t live in States and have no idea of the whole industry there.


Well-Known Member
At the end of the day in todays society, it all boils down to profit. Think for a moment about how valuable commodities illegal drugs actually are for some organizations, and they share a common interest with lawful organizations by keeping it illegal. It´s a blissful equilibrium so the both sides could profit. And they do, day in, day out.
No truer words were ever spoken.


Well-Known Member
because you cant grow anti-depressants in your backyard. you have to pay the pharmacies and the government for them.


Well-Known Member
No you're right I forgot to also point out that professional growers that make a living through mass quantities wouldn't like it legalized because of the sheer loss of money being made. You're lucky you aren't in the states though, this place is going down the drain. Obamacare declared constitutional by Supreme Court. Thats the most recent blunder but there is a whole bunch of things that is happening here that is not as good for the people as they let on to be.


Well-Known Member

Sorry I had too..

welsh stoner

Active Member
When I was younger I was into diazapan in a bad way,I used to get so fucked up on them and my doctor would just give me more,they were a fuckin nightmare to get off. My advise to anyone is to stick with the weed,anti depressants are bad news and really addictive.