wiliting plants

Pyro Peaches

Well-Known Member
We would have to see some pics to really understand but could be temperature of the room or possibly not getting enough water/too much water? What's your setup like?


Well-Known Member
I have 3 ppp fems under a 6-bulb t-5 in 1/3 ocean forest and 2/3 black magic organic soil. At about 3 weeks nothing buit water given so far, no fan on it yet. What should i do to improve this grow? looking really to just grow a mother out of the three and flower the ohter two, have light on 24hrs


Its hard to say it could be a ton of different things. Pictures would really help. What temp and humidity is your room at? How often do u water? I would switch to a 18/6 light cycle. Maybe spray your leaves with some C02 water, that usually helps bounce them back if they been stressed out. But it could be a ton of different reasons why the leaves are wilting