Will a simple carbon filter suffice?


I'm planning on setting up a small closet grow, about 1 plant, with LED lights.
I've read through the odour-control threads, but my question still remains:
If I have a closet grow, with one plant, a carbon filter and a fan that blows the air from the closet into a (ventilated) room, will the room itself smell intensely of cannabis? Will the neigboring rooms smell?
Is it absolutely necessary to blow the air through the carbon filter directly outside, or will a semi-airtight closet, with a good carbon filter, suffice for odor control?



Active Member
the plant may smell a lot, or it might not smell at all. depends on the strain. to be safe, i would use a carbon filter, vent it where ever you want after that. if you vent into a room, and have a smelly strain, it will permeate throughout the house eventually unless that room is sealed off. keep in mind you need fresh air esp. CO2 for the plant to grow, so if you seal a room or the closet you have to provide co2 for the plant.


Active Member
You can circulate the air inside the room though a carbon filter. Does not need to be ventilated out. However doing this means that you lose "negative pressure" which is one of the most important things about oder control. (negative pressure is basically where the fan is sucking out so much air that it is the only place air is leaving the room, this means any cracks will be sucking in not leaking air/smell out)

It depends massively on the strain but they do smell. I was growing amnesia haze with a home made carbon filter and it did fine until the last 2 weeks, it just smelt like someone was smoking constantly nothing to drastic.