Will an EEG detect damage to the reward system?

I suffer from a traumatic brain injury. I'm talking to my physician in about a week about an EEG. I'm suffering from major depression. I feel like some sunshine has been taken out of my life. The only logical explanation for me for the way I feel is that there was damagE to my nneurotransmitter Production. Will an EEG show damage to my reward system?
I suffer from a traumatic brain injury. I'm talking to my physician in about a week about an EEG. I'm suffering from major depression. I feel like some @mr sunshine has been taken out of my life. The only logical explanation for me for the way I feel is that there was damagE to my nneurotransmitter Production. Will an EEG show damage to my reward system?

I feel the same, please don't take my sunshine away
If I was seeking therapy I would implement Mali more than mushrooms as far as depression goes.. Or cocaine. I think a really beautiful experience for me would be Molly and mushrooms. I need a f****** psychological defibrillator. LSD would help.. thanks for the support though bro! I sure need it.. hopefully have some luck on here..
Uhh okkk

You don't think so man?You don't think a certain part of the brain Would be stimulated by the production of neurotransmitters?
This question is completely distinct from the one with which you opened. Interestingly both skirt the implied real question: how might I determine if my reward system has been damaged?
And the follow-on pair, depending on answer to the above:
what can I do about it?

Before you worry about the reward system, you would benefit from a review and overhaul of the ability to reason in a traceable line ...
This question is completely distinct from the one with which you opened. Interestingly both skirt the implied real question: how might I determine if my reward system has been damaged?
And the follow-on pair, depending on answer to the above:
what can I do about it?

Before you worry about the reward system, you would benefit from a review and overhaul of the ability to reason in a traceable line ...
I don't get how the reward system would be the problem more overall mental faculties.