Will CFLs make plants take longer to harvest


Active Member
Also I was thinking of just using CFLs for vegitaion 2 weeks state and using 3 600 watts hps for flowering would that be the best thing to do....need some input. also anyone know the average extra addon cost of 600 watt and hydro-system on your lightbill..it couldnt be no more than an extra 100..us dollars a month right.?


New Member
I use cfls to veg aswell, i don't think they make it take longer to flower after you move em under the HPS, only if you try to flower with them. But I'm sure a MH would provide faster growth if you have a long veg period i could be worth it.

As for the power $$$ question, it depends on where you are due to the cost of powr being so different depending on location, But i would think you cpuld probabbly run the whole setup for around 100 or so, cheaper where i am, but power prices are crazy in cali.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Asked the same thing a few daze back. Got several replies suggesting no delay, that the flowering period is pre-determined in the genes.