Will Donald Run to Russia? When and what would be the effect?

Will Donald try to Run to Moscow?

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With Biden up nationally in the polls by 12 points and more importantly leading in big red states, it doesn't look good for Donald. It appears it will be too big to rig and too difficult to cheat. The people who would do the cheating at the state level are worried about consequences and the possibility of those go up with Biden's lead. These people are not guided by principle, but by greed and fear for the most part, they are responding to scrutiny and the fear of getting caught. Donald can't lie, cheat and steal his way out of this one, defeat means certain prison for life, a striping of all assets and complete exposure. Pardons are not an option for several reasons, state charges among them, there is only one way out, Moscow.

Would Vlad have him? If Donald showed up on his doorstep figuring he was owed, Vlad dare not refuse him, while he had control of nukes. All someone like Joe Scarborough would have to do is put the bug in Donald's ear, if he isn't too stupid to figure it out himself, right on TV. When would Donald run? After Dec 14th the electoral college meets and elects the POTUS, last chance to fuck things up. Say Donald runs on AF-1 on or about Dec 15th.

Who would or could stop him? He is POTUS and can order up AF-1 without explanation, in an hour he could be over Canadian air space and be there for several hours. What would be Vlad's price for asylum? Perhaps arrangements have been made? Vlad could always double cross Donald and ship him back a few weeks later claiming he showed up on his doorstep with nukes talking crazy! Vlad could simply say Donald is a lying lunatic and it would be difficult to argue with him! What kind of adoring reception would Donald and family get then?

Will Donald try to run to Russia if he loses in a landslide? How long will AF-1 be stuck there if he succeeds? How long will it take Moscow Mitch to impeach him then?
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Donald running for Russia might be for the best too, it would settle things definitively, Trump is a traitor and discredit the republicans and their base. Pence would be left holding a big bag of shit until Joe was inaugurated, assuming the republicans would impeach Trump before then. Trump's base would continue to support him while he was in a Moscow and put Moscow Mitch in a jamb. If Putin sold his ass back to Joe weeks or months later, his base would rally to his support and "free Donald" will be the cry, all will be forgiven of Donald, he is special.

I can honestly see Donald running for Russia, if he figured he'd get asylum, he would whine about a "deep state" coup and a rigged election all the way there and hopefully back. Donald would be too hot a potato for Vlad to handle, he'd give him or sell him back to Uncle Sam, he's gonna get hammered hard enough already.
I think he will just scream how the election was rigged and his brain dead followers will slurp it up and scream deep state or some crazy conspiracy crap. He definitely won't face the music and he might go to his Russian BF for help.

I know Biden has a lead in polls but I also believe Trump supporters did this in 2016, They are embarrassed to publicly out themselves as Trump supporters so they lie. I don't have much faith in the US. I live in Tx and I see nothing but confederate flags and Trump signs. Gross.
A tiny example of the shit Donald is in and why he could try and run.
Weissmann Thinks We Could See Trump Self-Pardon If He Doesn't Win Reelection

Former FBI general counsel Andrew Weissmann and Washington Post reporter David Fahrenthold discuss new reports that reveal more about Trump’s financial situation and how these developments could turn into even bigger legal problems for him, especially if he becomes a private citizen again soon.
Pffft And? Imagine being so triggered you need go through my history. Creepy Fuck, Must be a Trump Supporter.
I think he will just scream how the election was rigged and his brain dead followers will slurp it up and scream deep state or some crazy conspiracy crap. He definitely won't face the music and he might go to his Russian BF for help.

I know Biden has a lead in polls but I also believe Trump supporters did this in 2016, They are embarrassed to publicly out themselves as Trump supporters so they lie. I don't have much faith in the US. I live in Tx and I see nothing but confederate flags and Trump signs. Gross.
Take heart and vote, Texas is in play every vote counts, it ain't over yet and neither is covid or Donald's daily disasters, many Trumpers are staying home and millions of new voters have registered in Texas. The polls are up and down there and are more or less tied with a slight advantage to Trump. There are still 3 weeks to go, but early voting starts Tuesday, also there is apparently one more debate for Trump to screw up.

One other thing, I hear Cornyn is worried about his senate seat now and the democrats are spending money in Texas, so are others. They might not get his seat, but they are making him sweat and he is running from Donald like he is on fire. Vote, you might count more than most in humiliating Trump with a 400ECV victory for Joe and a clear mandate for change.
Take heart and vote, Texas is in play every vote counts, it ain't over yet and neither is covid or Donald's daily disasters, many Trumpers are staying home and millions of new voters have registered in Texas. The polls are up and down there and are more or less tied with a slight advantage to Trump. There are still 3 weeks to go, but early voting starts Tuesday, also there is apparently one more debate for Trump to screw up.

One other thing, I hear Cornyn is worried about his senate seat now and the democrats are spending money in Texas, so are others. They might not get his seat, but they are making him sweat and he is running from Donald like he is on fire. Vote, you might count more than most in humiliating Trump with a 400ECV victory for Joe and a clear mandate for change.
I do plan to vote but I just don't have enough faith in the American people. Texas won't flip Blue, I heard that in 2016 as well. I just hope it's not a repeat. I'm gonna do my part and vote but my outlook on it isn't good.
I do plan to vote but I just don't have enough faith in the American people. Texas won't flip Blue, I heard that in 2016 as well. I just hope it's not a repeat. I'm gonna do my part and vote but my outlook on it isn't good.

Vote and see... Texas isn't immune to covid, or the will to survive! It's never been closer in Texas, the voting law changed and they have drop off boxes, or so the courts say. Also there have been an astounding number of new voter registrations this year. Abbot is nervous and trying to suppress the vote, more than usual!
Imagine a post election landslide and Donald has run out of options for screwing things up, the election was called by the networks early on election evening when Florida went blue for Joe. The very next day the TV networks would be consumed by Donald's legal fate with former prosecutors and legal experts weighing in and the dominos are dropping. His henchmen would run for the door ASAP as soon as he lost.

After Dec 14th when the EC voted and Joe was declared the winner, it would be all over but the whining, Donald's real power would evaporate with a new official president elect. Joe's people would start demanding briefings, answers and action, so would congress. Any destructive orders from Trump would be run by Joe for approval or veto, Joe would have real power, at least enough to temporarily restrain Trump until he gains actual power. He would most likely have the support of congress and consult with them.

Thus Kings are slain, in England & France they cut their heads off to make sure.
The hand over briefing to the new AG will be particularly interesting, I wonder how Barr will spin that one? Think he or his henchmen will be around for it? Those briefings start after Joe is declared president elect in December (we hope)! Some of those transition meetings are suppose to be happening now and Joe is getting classified material. I wonder who Joe will pick as AG and when?
There is a real big reason Donald might not go to Russia, he owes them billions that they will never see again and will cost them many billions more in seized assets. If Donald does go to Russia he might find an open widow in a tall building and will bounce 3 feet when he hits the sidewalk.
I gotta ask. How did that work out for ya?
Lol it didn't. I was like 19 when I made that post years ago. I really wasn't serious about it, more like just shitposting learning about crazy stuff Lol but Naa I would never really do that. I have never even done any drugs in my life. I only smoke (of course) and occasionally drink. Never touched any other stuff in my life. I kinda forgot I even posted that. Kinda Creeped out by that guy looking through my history.
Lol it didn't. I was like 19 when I made that post years ago. I really wasn't serious about it, more like just shitposting learning about crazy stuff Lol but Naa I would never really do that. I have never even done any drugs in my life. I only smoke (of course) and occasionally drink. Never touched any other stuff in my life. I kinda forgot I even posted that. Kinda Creeped out by that guy looking through my history.
A lot of accounts get magically resurrected on this website and are used by trolls (weak passwords/same account names& passwords on multiple websites they control, and of course the fact they have been attacking us for years). I would not feel too creeped out by it, you can set your account to private.

It wouldn't take much to check out your earlier posts.
Ha! I can see it now...

'Hey Melania. Pack your shit we're going to live with your folks.'

'Fuck you creep man. I never go back to potato farm.'

I'm with Maria 420 though. Here in rural Missouri it's about a 5 to 1 trump vs Biden in the yard sign tally. The only big difference from 2016 is that the poorer looking households don't have any trump paraphernalia but some of these 'gentleman farmers' with acreage and big custom shitbox homes have a full on trump rally of flags and banners in their yards. Fucking scary.

Vote like your life depends on it.