Will growing in small pots keep the plant small?


Well-Known Member
If the pot is to small then there will be no room for the roots to grow, this will lead to slow to no growth, reduction in yield and plant will become rootbound.


Well-Known Member
LST is training the plant to grow where and how you like, probably the best way to grow in confined spaces. Topping, will encourage more growth and is a way to get more main branches to increase yield, so not good for controlling or confined space.

Have you thought about growing some low riders, they don't get more than 2 foot tall


Well-Known Member
Bigger the root mass bigger the yeild.Even if the plants are gonna be flowered in small still give them big tubs.You will be suppprised how big a root mass can get of a plant flowerd at 6/7 ince.A tip is rather than putting a load of small pots buy 2 realy big tubs and put more than one plant in it.Something like the plastic storage tubs that are around 3 ft long and 1 and harf ft wide and 2 ft deep.Put a layer of perlit in the bottom fill with soil and put about 4 plants in flower at 1 ft tall.But no matter how big the tubs are it will all not happen if the lighting is not strong enougth.