will I confuse my plants?


Ive started growing indoors and i only have a few plants in the veg cycle ( 2-3 plants). Lately its been nice and sunny outside so ive been shutting off the lights and taking my babies out to get some sun for a couple hours a day.
Am i going to get them as confused as a 6 year old wondering why it has to spend one week at dads house and another week at moms house or what?
My thought process is its hard to get better light then the sun, but when i put em back under the lights they are going to stress because they were used to the sun, and vise versa.


Well-Known Member
no your fine doing that. Not going to "confuse" your plants. And your right, you can't really get better than the sun, light wise! Just make sure the light/dark periods are the same. Time wise. Example: if you we're doing an 18/6 light cycle. Keep doing the 18/6 light cycle. lights on at 8am, off at 2am. every day. Or whatever cycle and times you are using. Catch my drift?
