Will i only get tiny plants with small buds?!


Well-Known Member
I live in hawaii. and we get almost exactly 12 hours of sun for 9 months of the year. Does this mean that for those 9 months my plants will not go veg., flower really early, and all have tiny buds? cause i didnt think so, but someone on a thread told me, that if u have 12 hours of sun all the time the plants will just bud too fast and only get tiny buds. is this true?


Well-Known Member
just like any autoflowering plant
each plant will yeild 2-5 grams
you should grow like 20 plants
or grow indoors


Well-Known Member
2 grams on Hawaiian bud?!?

It's unimaginable that anything grown in Hawaii would yield 1/10 ounce!

I'd take advantage of the island and grow some killer sativas in the wild for some monster smoke. The sativas are somewhat less sensitive to light triggers than the indicas since most sativas are from tropical areas anyway. And while the sativas are in flower, they'll keep growing, up, up and away.


Well-Known Member
Growing in Hawaii is not a problem. I've seen awesome outdoor gardens in the Islands. Hawaiian herb has a great reputation for a reason!

Get local seeds or cuttings and get ready for great smoke.


Active Member
i live on the islands, right now start! the light cycles r getting longer so veg will be good plus weather is cherry right now. you can throw um n a shed or closet if u want to flower them around 5-530 pm so they have a 12 dark period, and trust me if u get tiny buds, we either just got a month of straight rain or u did something extremely wrong. Stick one out as an experiement and forget about it for a month or so I do. I love the results everytime, except for the bugs!