Will I pass drug test? pic included


I don't know how many times people have asked this question but I would like everyone opinion. I am applying for a new job and there will be a drug test. Today is my 33 day being "drug" free. It is my dream job and I am freaking out about because i really want the job. I am 275 pounds and most of the time i just sit around doing nothing, besides part time job.071611145441.jpg071611145411.jpg071611145425.jpg071611145418.jpg071611145436.jpg071611145447.jpg When i was younger the doctor told me I under active metabolism so he gave me pills for it. Last time I had a check up he said i didn't have the condition anymore but i still take the pills. So i guess i have a average metabolism. I am just a occasional smoker with a couple of times in a week then a week or so off. Last time I did smoke it was for a hole week, multiple times a day, but it was some shitty stuff.


bud bootlegger
yah, you'll pass.. i can see the line right on the first pix just fine.. i had to take a test about two months or so ago, and i was nervous and posted pix of my test up here as well, and from what i was told, so long as you can see the line for the test, you're good.. mine looked maybe even a lil lighter than yours, and i passed as well..
so, in conclusion, i'd say you're golden, pun intended of course...

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
My wife works in a medical laboratory. A test I recently took looked a lot like yours, kinda pale. She it would pass. As long as there is some line it will pass and the majority of jobs aren't going to pay for more expensive testing. And most of the people in the labs don't really care as long as some line shows up.