will i stress my plant out???


Well-Known Member
because i turn my lights off at random times sometime my plants get 19 hours of lights and 5 hours of dark and sometime 20 hours of light and 4 hours of dark its only 4 weeks old so im just wondering will it stress my plant out because i come home at random times ...and i dont have a automatic timer which i should get


Well-Known Member
Ya timers are a definate at about $5, but that being said..., IMO, if your only shutting them down for 4-5 hours your not stressing them as nothing will change the physiology of the plant until daylight reaches closer to the 11 to 12 hours of darkness. But yepper, by the ticker and good luck.


Well-Known Member
its not the amount of time..its the irregular light cycle
I thought, or rather was under the impression, that it was when the dark cycle was interupted, I didnt even consider the light cycle interuption as a hermie cause. Thanks for the 411


Well-Known Member
I thought, or rather was under the impression, that it was when the dark cycle was interupted, I didnt even consider the light cycle interuption as a hermie cause. Thanks for the 411
theres no set science to it really...any type of stress can run you the risk of turning one hermie