will it be alright?


Well-Known Member
i'm planning on growing outdoors next season... and i want to put the plants in 5 gallon buckets...

the buckets will be buried in the ground and only the plant will be above ground.. the buckets will be filled with soil..

the regular temperature of the area that i have chosen is about 23 degrees C.... there isn't a whole lot of rain there but i can hand water them..

my question is if i plant them in the buckets in late may.. will they make it until october in the 5 gallon bucket without becoming too rootbound?
Why plant the bucket into the ground? There is no yes or no on the rootbound thing as it depends on you and how much experience you have growing. If you dont know what your doing and water wrong or you dont leech and dissolved salts build up your gonna get rootbound plants. I personally wouldn't bury the buckets into the ground. Just transplant into the ground. How many plants and how far into the woods are you going? Thats gonna be a hella amount of water to bring back and forth if theres a few plants when they get big so there should be a water source close by. Others might say different but thats my opinion
my house is about 800-900 feet from the plants.. so i can basically run hose for some of the ways.. and then fill other 5 gallon buckets with water to bring in.. and i'm using a 20-20-20 nutrient solution.. just regular hardware store brand nutrients.. and the buckets in the ground is just incase something happens.. where i have to move the plants to a different location.. also i'm going to have about 6-8 plants.. so..
my house is about 800-900 feet from the plants.. so i can basically run hose for some of the ways.. and then fill other 5 gallon buckets with water to bring in.. and i'm using a 20-20-20 nutrient solution.. just regular hardware store brand nutrients.. and the buckets in the ground is just incase something happens.. where i have to move the plants to a different location.. also i'm going to have about 6-8 plants.. so..

20-20-20? Sounds like some miracle grow crap tbh. If your gonna run water like that you should buy a digital PH tester instead of the dropper ones or else watering/feeding your plants is consume quite a bit of time. Bro if something is gonna happen to your plants it dont matter if they are above or below the ground, its gonna happen. I'd keep em above ground or transplant them into the ground. Transplanting them into the ground would be more ideal if your worrying about them becoming rootbound, it'll also give em endless rootzone to grow nice and big to where if ya keep em in the buckets and ya fuck up well your kinda fucked and will have to transplant anyway so best idea is to get it out of the way :-P unless your keeping em in buckets to move em if ya have to move them then burying the buckets would be pointless anywho cause your gonna have to do some digging and also taking a risk that the buckets didn't deteriorate/warp/etc.. while being under ground. I'd get some REAL nutrients not some bobo hardware 20-20-20 crap. If your gonna grow dont do it half ass, spend some money and do it right or else your just wasting time and money. Do some research, alot of it then decide what you think is best. Maybe try to watch Jorge Cervantes - Ultimate Grow, Jorge Cervante-Ultimate Grow 2, and browndirtwarrior's videos. Just keep in mind you get what you put into it, if ya do it halfass thats what ya should expect. If you take the time, get decent equipment (nutes and what not) and research it'll pay off alot more then it would if you do what you planned.:bigjoint:
i have 3-4 years of experience growing.. this would be my second outdooor grow.. all the rest were indoors.. my first outdoor grow was more of an experiment than anything else.. and the 20-20-20 "crap" you call it.. has worked for me indoor for 4 years so.. can't really say that i have any complaints about it..
i have 3-4 years of experience growing.. this would be my second outdooor grow.. all the rest were indoors.. my first outdoor grow was more of an experiment than anything else.. and the 20-20-20 "crap" you call it.. has worked for me indoor for 4 years so.. can't really say that i have any complaints about it..

As long as it works for ya run with it. Would of helped you saying you used those nutes before and how much experience you had. by the way you described it it kinda sounded like this was your first run, which is what I was thinking. What did you do for your first outside grow?
my first was pretty sloppy.. i just had a little spot in the woods.. away from my house that was about a 4x4 area dug up.. and added 3-4 bags of topsoil to the native soill... turned it.. and then planted some clones.. i didnt check ph or anything.. i ended up with about 1oz per plant.. was more of a (see how little i can spend grow) then see what i can get out of it.