Will it sprout?


I have a nice indica bagseed germinated with a good taproot, so i plant it and give it its initial watering, after this i notice the soil has gone waay down in my solo cup so i thought i would just dig the seed up and put new soil in and move it to the top of the soil again, i did this very carefully with tweezers and did not harm the actual seed in any way except for the light being on the taproot from moving it around, i had the seed close enough to the top of the soil where i could see the end of the seed in the soil. i left it like this overnight and i come back to find that there is very little growth as i pulled some soil away to see what the taproot was looking like.. Did i cause too much stress on the seed? I understand each plant is different but in my other grows the seeds have usually already started to get cotlydons pushing through the soil


Well-Known Member
The more you mess with it and the younger it is, the more it can be stressed and less likely to recover. I think it might be too shallow, but at some point you have to leave it alone and just let it do what it will do. I use clear cups so I can see the roots when they grow without having to mess with them. These are placed in solid cups to hide light from the roots. I also keep a humidity dome over them starting as soon as they are put in the cups.

I'm not sure how long to wait for something to show, though.


Yea i was afraid i messed with it too much, i put a big plastic bag over the solo cup and use an incandescent bulb in one of my fixtures to get a lot of humidity in the bag and a lot of condensation forms in the bag so i hope i was doing right by this, hopefully by tomorrow i will see some changes, the seed casing is cracked a little bit wider than yesterday tho so i doubt it quit growing


Well-Known Member
Warm but not too hot. You shouldn't need to get the humidity going. If you've watered, the bag will trap the moisture. You might see some condensation, but there is no need to force it - the bag is still doing the job. Too hot and too much moisture, and you are just drying out the soil faster.


Does touching the taproot with my fingers damage it? If i happened to bend the taproot while its in the soil will it kill the seed?


Well-Known Member
You might damage it - you might not. That's why it is best to just set it in and leave it alone - and perhaps even better to gently use tweezers or something instead of your finger.