Will It Survive, Or Rather Will They Survive?


Active Member
im new to this site so hey everybody...

so about two weeks ago i planted about 25 seeds in the woods at various locations.

i planted 12 in one spot and came back a week later to find all the ground had been dug up and i couldnt find any seeds in the mess so i gave up on that spot, but to my amazement i came back a couple days ago and had two little survivors growing... which made me happy:mrgreen:

now in the next spot i planted 10 and watched as the all sprouted and got there first leaves after the weird lookin leaves. then one day thye all get fucking munched on and im left with one plant, which was the fastest growing one with a bunch of holes and missing leaves.

now on to the third spot and my question. in the third spot i planted 3 and only one sprouted. now it was starting to develop its first 2 leaves after the weird looking oval leaves and wat do ya know BUGS FUCKING ATTACKED IT!!!! so the bugs ate the two oval leaves and left the two developing leaves. i said fuck it and gave up on that spot, but again my curiosity took me back. when i went back a few days later the plant had gotten taller and the two small leaves had gotten a tiny bit bigger.

so... my question is will the plant at my third spot grow or will the two small leaves not provide enuf to get the plant going?

and also will my plant that got partially eaten a my second grow spot make a recoverY(about 25- 50% of the leaves were damaged fyi)?

thanks to anyone who take the time to read and respond.

and PS i have spread a trusted product to take care of the bugs that i use on tomatoes...which i should have done earlier but leave it to me to fuck myself over.