Will my weed service. PLEASE HELP! (Outdoors)


New Member
Hay I just got some seeds (Frisian dew, Pineapple Express, white widow, blue berry, super critical) I put them in individual cups of water to keep track which is which until they all fell to the bottom the I planted them in beer cups with good soil and they all sprouted.

This is we're I got confused I read that I don't need to put them in the sun until they grow there first leaves but I thought that meant the real pot looking leaves so they grew about 6 inches up and I just got them out now.

I was wondering if they will still survive and it's my first grow and really want this to work.


Well-Known Member
If it has foliage it will grow...stake it and let it go or replant as stated above...it's a a tough plant to kill...g/l


Well-Known Member
Whoever said that a plant wasn't supposed to be in the sunlight has spent entirely too much time indoors. Yeah, I want to know who was the light bulb that came up with that one. lol/


Once your little bundle of joy breaks dirt level ( or rockwool level) it is advisable to have at least minimal light available. Such as flouros or in a windowseal etc.. The first round leaves are called cotyledons and the will be cannibalized by the plant as they exist only to give the seedling nourishment while the root grows and stalk stretches and hell just getting the seed husk off can use most of its energy sometimes. Fro,m in between your first nodal intersection you will start to see the new adult leaves grow ...sadly those too will die in a short period but those are your first real light reading leaves so get the light close to them and you will see your growth rates start to explode!


Oh yeah just bury the "stem" it will eventually grow roots. If the cotyledons are still on the seedling you can bury to where they are an inch or so above ground.


New Member
Thanks guys yer got em in the dirt quickly but I didn't see the posts in time so I didn't plant the stem but there growing pretty good I think ill put a pic up if I can find how to do this haha really excited for them :)