will plastic bags harm my buds


Well-Known Member
i need to store some weed for abot 1-3 months,a little too much for glass jars,can i use plastic zip bags completely air thight will the thc content degrade in them


Well-Known Member
lets 1-2 ponds,i dont want to keep it in 10 or 20 jars,its dry but not too dry to make it brittle


ok, u say to store for 1-5 months, me i would put the lb and a half jar that shit, the rest put it it bags or vicaverse


New Member
I recently read a thread on another board where a guy used plastic bags to store nearly a pound and it wasnt too long before he discovered he had alot of moldy buds. Plastic bags arent worth it dude. Get jars. Twenty dollars, 2 cases of the larger sized mason jars should be enough to hold one pound. I know from experience. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I store in plastic bags every year.
With a bag sealer, inside of plastic buckets for long term storage.
I think it is in how you store your finished product, and the condition of the flowers when you seal them up.
Glass is good. I just never found glass jars big enough to make it worth while. IMHO
For larger bags with the plus of bieng able to bury the bucket it works for me.
My personal smoke in the house is always in canning jars.Lol
My .002


Well-Known Member
Plastic bags will have nothing to do with mold, mold is caused by the grower. Plastic bags work fine but the trichomes do stick to the bag and the buds get a little smashed, i dont think its enough to make a difference.


New Member
this site is so full of bad advice, lol. not anywhere is it ever recommended to store fresh bud in plastic. properly air dry the bud and cure in jars. its the best way. if the pros do it that way, theres a reason.


Well-Known Member
this site is so full of bad advice, lol. not anywhere is it ever recommended to store fresh bud in plastic. properly air dry the bud and cure in jars. its the best way. if the pros do it that way, theres a reason.
Yes you are an example of bad advice, now go away. what do you do with buds that are to big for jars? Yes jars are the best, but plastic works just fine. Ive seen plenty of video of PROS pulling out giant zip lock bags, look at Amsterdam coffee shops, they are in tupperware. Learn what a cure is before you offer advice, like plastic bags causing mold, if you knew about drying an curing you would know what was wrong with that.


New Member
Plastic allows a minimal exchange of gases through the bags since they are not completely impermeable like glass they are not as effective. And no I will not go away. Negative are we? Do you get some kinda ego boost being rude to someone like me who's trying to give good advice? There are other threads out there that discuss this and the majority of those who commented agree with me not you.

example http://forum.grasscity.com/harvesting-processing/449198-curing-plastic.html wow here's one that says and i quote "everyone knows plastic bags are shitty for buds http://boards.cannabis.com/medical-marijuana-methods/3352-cure-bud-thats-dry.html

I never said curing in plastic was impossible. Just a bad idea. If you have hundreds of dollars worth of bud why wouldn't you want to take good care of it? I don't think the Grow Faq here would recommend plastic either.


New Member
i need to store some weed for abot 1-3 months,a little too much for glass jars,can i use plastic zip bags completely air thight will the thc content degrade in them
Anyway, now directing the attention to the person who needed help:

Any container you plan on using to cure your buds in should be "air tight."The reason for this is because when you are trying to cure the chlorophyll and plant tissue breaks down inside that sealed container releasing gases that you let escape one or two times a day. I open the jars twice, ten minutes each time the first week to ensure that this air drying process is effective. The last thing anyone wants is to leave bud too moist in a sealed container for too long, that will help promote molding to occur. Some people cure for a week. Some two. Some 8 weeks. Some longer. It is my understanding that after 6 months, there is nothing beneficial to prolonging a longer cure. The benefit of a cure is smoother smoke, change in taste of the smoke. Example, Jacks Cleaner II now taste's of lemon and cream after a 2 week cure instead of lemon and skunk.THC will not degrade unless the container is subjected to light. It is always recommended you keep your air tight container in a cool dark place.


Well-Known Member
Plastic allows a minimal exchange of gases through the bags since they are not completely impermeable like glass they are not as effective. And no I will not go away. Negative are we? Do you get some kinda ego boost being rude to someone like me who's trying to give good advice? There are other threads out there that discuss this and the majority of those who commented agree with me not you.

example http://forum.grasscity.com/harvesting-processing/449198-curing-plastic.html wow here's one that says and i quote "everyone knows plastic bags are shitty for buds http://boards.cannabis.com/medical-marijuana-methods/3352-cure-bud-thats-dry.html

I never said curing in plastic was impossible. Just a bad idea. If you have hundreds of dollars worth of bud why wouldn't you want to take good care of it? I don't think the Grow Faq here would recommend plastic either.
No ego boost, just straightening out the incorrect people. Where are you copying your info from? Earlier you said plastic bags cause mold, now you say they arent even sealed completely, this doesnt even make sense, So what do you suggest for giant colas? Giant custom made glass curing jars?


New Member
No ego boost, just straightening out the incorrect people. Where are you copying your info from? Earlier you said plastic bags cause mold, now you say they arent even sealed completely, this doesnt even make sense, So what do you suggest for giant colas? Giant custom made glass curing jars?
That came from my head, I've done alot of research on the matter. And yes letting those gases escape doesn't help break down the organic material and brings you a little closer to being susceptible to mold. Think of curing as a slow air drying process. Mold Probably won't happen but it can and has to a couple people I've known who cured in plastic. Usually more often to those who didn't allow the bud enough hang dry time. When the bud feels brittle, not just dry, usually within a weeks time it is best to move to jars. For giant colas what I do is get the larger sized mason jars (my local grocery store has several sizes) and cut the cola in half. I hate to do this because I love having big buds to show off to my friends but it's better to have a smoother better tasting smoke than to have my ego stroked, IMO. My Apollo 13 Cola is nearly 25" in length and rather impressive looking. I will hate chopping her, but... it'll be worth it when that time comes.



Well-Known Member
one minute you say you need to burp the jars to release the gases, then you say the ziploc bags leaking gases causes mold, explain that. The better the seal, the better the chance of mold, so by what you say a jar would be more likely to grow mold. If you havent dried your buds properly then you risk mold no matter what you cure in if its sealed.


Well-Known Member
I never store my collie in bags they let air in no matter wat.,.,get a big ass mason jar they have em in sizes whr u can split the pound up and itll fit in 3-4 big mason jars.,.,bags suck.,.,i dont even store my personal herb in them.,.,