Will Recreational Marijuana ever become legalized in NJ under Chris Christie?

will bud ever be legal in nj?

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As a true new jerseyian and on behalf of all who have half a brain, I ask you Governor Christie when will weed be legal in NJ? I understand that as a state we do have a strong conservative base but why does everything have to be politicized? Personally being a conservative republican, I find the political battle over Marijuana to be stupid and idiotic. Republicans will lose such a large amount of voters over this "issue". Please, share your opinion and act intelligently and responsibly on this thread.

Here's the most recent price list for New Vansterdam in Vancouver, WA --

Tax structure in WA is insane! 25% on the grower, 25% on the retail distributor, 25% on the final consumer. Standard sativa is running between $30 and $40 a gram, 2 grams if you can find it runs between $60 and $75.

The medical marijuana market in WA and OR runs $8 to $12 on a gram, depending on strain. There are a lot of medical growers in WA and OR, street price runs about $25 per 1/8th oz (3.5 gram).

Ballot measure 91 in OR is slated for November and expected to pass. OR measure allows personal grow of four plants. Personal grows should cut into the WA tax revenues, and bring down the absurd price and shortages in WA recreational supplies.
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After he relented to oil for the children, he said he's done with it (cannabis reform). So, under Christie the answer is probably no.
As a true new jerseyian and on behalf of all who have half a brain, I ask you Governor Christie when will weed be legal in NJ? I understand that as a state we do have a strong conservative base but why does everything have to be politicized? Personally being a conservative republican, I find the political battle over Marijuana to be stupid and idiotic. Republicans will lose such a large amount of voters over this "issue". Please, share your opinion and act intelligently and responsibly on this thread.
Never under the fat man, even Ganj. supporters are realizing all the politicos are offering is the greasy end of the stick, and that without homegrow the prohibition model is a better deal.

Here's the most recent price list for New Vansterdam in Vancouver, WA --

Tax structure in WA is insane! 25% on the grower, 25% on the retail distributor, 25% on the final consumer. Standard sativa is running between $30 and $40 a gram, 2 grams if you can find it runs between $60 and $75.

The medical marijuana market in WA and OR runs $8 to $12 on a gram, depending on strain. There are a lot of medical growers in WA and OR, street price runs about $25 per 1/8th oz (3.5 gram).

Ballot measure 91 in OR is slated for November and expected to pass. OR measure allows personal grow of four plants. Personal grows should cut into the WA tax revenues, and bring down the absurd price and shortages in WA recreational supplies.

WA will take a huge hit when Oregon's recreational bill passes. With an ounce projected to sell for $145 and also Oregon doesn't have a sales tax, Oregon could've given a higher plant count but I could live with Oregon's upcoming bill. 4 plants is better than none and I'm in Colorado and even with the 6 plant count, most people are growing a few more than that and cops and prosecutors aren't bothering with it. I expect the same view from Oregon officials. It's to be expected that the legislators that are pro-legalization aren't going to get behind any bill that authorizes an extremely high plant count. What will end up happening is as long as home growing is included in with a recreational bill, home growers that have 7 or 8 plants when they're only supposed to have 4 plants will just be left alone just like Coloradans.

WA officials had greed in their mind when writing up and pushing their I-502 , to try to force WA herb users into the insanely expensive licensed market. I guarantee that there are many WA residents that either went out and got MMJ approved to be able to legally home grow, or either are growing anyway. WA residents will eventually get the legal right to grow recreationally. When Oregon's bill passes and starts bringing WA residents into their state, this is going to be a really hard hit to WA's licensed sales.

If the WA officials don't amend parts of I-502, which I think they will, the flow of traffic from WA to Oregon because of Oregon's bill will start causing WA's dispensaries to fold up and close. This is just going to give a boost to WA's black market. I predict WA's officials will come around and re-write parts of I-502. No one is going to pay $132 for 4 grams in WA when just over the southern border, they can pay $145 for 28 grams.

From here on out, prices are going to keep dropping as more and more states put forth recreational bills and the supply keeps getting saturated with more supply.

Look at this, this is going to devastate the dispensaries in WA >

If NJ were to legalize rec weed the bridges and tunnels connecting NY would break from the strain!

It's possible the GOP may change its tune when it sees the tax revenues from sales in the legal rec states, in which case Christie may shift with the wind if he aspires to run for the White House. Otherwise no way will he take a stand like that against the party. On the other hand if he totally gives up on running for pres there's no telling...
The federal gov't needs to change the laws to allow the pot shops to function as legit businesses.

The WA state law should be held up as an example of how not to do it, IMO. Overpriced, over-taxed, possession of more than 40g a felony, plants a felony. $800 an ounce!
I think once Oregon allows sales the prices for decent bud will be more in the $300-400 an range, just my opinion.
Christie said publicly some time ago that he would never support legalization extended beyond it's very limited legal use now in New Jersey.
Does it matter if christie supports legalization or not? With all the casinos shutting down, and south Jersey and the Jersey shore now taking a dive, there's no way christie will be governor after the 2016 election. Which just so happens to be the next time marijuana reform Wil be up for ballot. any logical person could see that marijuana reform would turn the NJ economy RIGHT around, but I guess that says a lot about Chris christie.

But it's looking like we have a littleunder 2 more years before NJ sees any kind of marijuana reform. But I'm thinking PA or Deleware will flip to rec way before Jersey does.
Does it matter if christie supports legalization or not? With all the casinos shutting down, and south Jersey and the Jersey shore now taking a dive, there's no way christie will be governor after the 2016 election. Which just so happens to be the next time marijuana reform Wil be up for ballot. any logical person could see that marijuana reform would turn the NJ economy RIGHT around, but I guess that says a lot about Chris christie.

But it's looking like we have a littleunder 2 more years before NJ sees any kind of marijuana reform. But I'm thinking PA or Deleware will flip to rec way before Jersey does.

Christie is a total fucking IDIOT. And he's still the NJ governor. So he's DANGEROUS. IMHO.
Lose christie, he's already destroyed and delayed and disrupted the implementation of the legislated medical cannabis program.