will repp u for help flower at 1mo


Active Member
4-5wks veg, indica plant, 1 is 10" other 3 is 8". used miracle grow. 4 Cfls 23w.
distilled watering every 2-3days or when needed. 18/6hr. got bud from nyc and grew the seeds, told it was a mr nice guy kush strain(never heard of that before). anyway, minor problems 1 yellow spot on 1 leaf, stems are redish so i want to flower now. my question is can any1 give me an estimate of how much i could yield each plant at the least or most or any other info. id be happy with 5-7g because i didnt put any money into this.
ps: its my first time so im aware my set up isn't top quality. im not worried about that i have about 30 more seeds and i just wanted to try it out this way first. ive attached some pics.



Well-Known Member
Kinda small for 5 weeks veg, I would continue vegging for 3 more weeks, then flower, you should be able to get 1/4 oz dried of each plant.

FWIW you +rep means nothing if you don't have a high enough post count, so as someone with a first post saying you will +rep them if they help you is no incentive at all.


Well-Known Member
do you realize you cant rep anone yet ... your reps have no worth

How much depends on a lot of factors

room climate
Good luck to you


Active Member
Instead of spending anymore money on seeds, I would definitely spend more on additional lights. replace those 23 watters with 42's, and at least double up on the amount of them. You'll be surprised at how much the additional light will make a difference. You could use the 23's also, and get some more side lighting on them. Just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
what if you did happen to grow this stuff out with your current setup and the smoke was at best just ok. Would you be happy with that? A million things can go wrong and end up decreasing yeild and quality, thereby causing you to conclude that the strain is weak when in fact it may be better than just ok, and move on to the next while wasting 2-3 months getting new seeds.

5-7 grams is reasonable for all three plants combined (may lose 1 with that mg soil so lets call it 2 plants). Wouldnt you like to have an oz or so so you have enough smoke to last you a while? Well there are a couple things you can do that will require little investment on your part other than time and maybe $20.00 to possibly get there.

First I would tranplant them into larger containers as you may wind up getting root bound b/c at this age, premature, they will grow and grow and grow some more. If you transplant later-which you may have to if you dont know b/c your plant will start stressing and potentially lead to defeciences- you may cause too much stress and turn the plant hermie or do irrepairable damage.

Transplant them into larger containers with some mid quality soil, i.e. foxfarms.
The MG soil is horrendous and look around here on RIU and you will find postings to attest to this fact. nute burn, nute defeciency, nute lockout, ph issues ect.

Do this and let them situate themselves for 2 weeks with at least 20/4 lighting and than flower at 12/12.
Lose the tinfoil as it does much more harm than good.
Pickup some all in one nutes and feed as directed.

Water with distilled water-1.20 a gallon at supermarket- and your done.

do this and you will get all 3 plants to bloom with at least 2 yeilding 10-20 grams each.

I know this is not what you wanted to hear and I am not correcting your current set up as you already stated you are happy with it. This is more of friendly advice to make sure that they reach their full potential and yours.
But hey, since these came from seeds, out of 3 plants, at least 1 stands to be a male if not 2 or 3 or all of them so best make the best of what you have now to protect what you want.
worse case scenario: all males and all will be killed
low case-2 males-1 female-you listen to above and you get your 10 grams
middle case-1 male-2 females-1 female dies to complications with the MG soil and getting nute blasted
best case-3 females-2 make it and yeild 10-20 grams each

see what I mean?
good luck

anyways, here is my advice on what to do.


Well-Known Member
i cant tell how far your lights are away from the plants, but they look a bit stretched. get the lights as close as possible without burning the plants. no more than 3 inches away. and more light couldnt hurt. good luck with the grow



Active Member
ok thanks guys. the light is 3" away from the closest one and 6"from the furthest one but ill take the advice and let them grow for another week or two and see what happens.


Active Member
@smokeybandit22, why would he need to transplant? I'm learning myself, but from the size of the pots and his plants, I don't understand the transplant advice.