will seed germinate?

I got 6 seeds from a friend and want to know how long it will take. Its been about a day and i wrapped them in a moist paper towel and put it in a zip lock bag. Do the seeds have to be totally green? they may be no good but i dont know how to check. any help?


Well-Known Member
Just put them in a warm dark place. Give them time. Some will crack and sometimes not.
Don't rush it.


Active Member
Also "Just sayin" if you don't want to wait, throw them in a cup of distilled water, when they sink to the bottom, they're ready to plant, usualy 24 - 36 hours. I got impatient and didn't wait for mine to sink planted her and she still came up ^^


Active Member
The seed should crack open anywhere between 5 and 10 days. I just germinated my first batch of seeds with the paper towel method and they all cracked by day 4.
for some reason i thought the seeds had to be green, mine are brown so thats good news haha and should i expect all 6 to crack open?


Active Member
weeeks no. ive had seeds that cracked n a day ive had ones that cracked in 3 just give it some time and keep that towel moist once the tail is about an inch your good to go, i wouldnt expect them all to crack but its possible