Will these products increase yield?

john mc

Active Member
the plants i grow cant really get much taller than a meter ( due to space ), i grow autos with a 125watt cfl in a grow tent.

Does anyone one think any of these wil make a good difference in yeild?

Superroots air pots 15L

mylar tape and reflective sheeting

blackstrap molasses

i use biobloom nutes and would consider changing.

Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
those pots and the molasses would help the most. but i would go with smart pots, never heard of the other.

is your tent white reflective?

john mc

Active Member
its silver, but with a matt look to it. Im sure smart pots are pritty much the same thing as the airpots.
Thanks for the quick reply :D


Well-Known Member
theres no need for any more reflective materials. those tents come pretty well equpped for that.

they are basically the same, but I have had a friend review a few different kinds of post, and Smart pots outperformed the rest.
but if they are cheaper, and better fit your budget, then im sure those air pots will do fine.

either way, its not like it was a HUGE difference.

Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
i am a proponent of air-pruning, so yes...lol....they make a difference. you can make your own from landscape fabric; the black "felty" stuff. the molasses mainly helps your soil/medium micro-fauna and flora, which leads to better nute absorption.


New Member
umm unless any of those items are a bigger light or co2 you will not see bigger yeild. i would have a bigger yield if i used miracle grow under 150 watt mh inside 2liters. compared to any fancy nutes air pots molasses or mylar its how you do it if you have to ask ?'s like these while growing under such a weak light. yield is representative of environment. so temperature differences co2 light water nutes ph microbes. perfect your environment. perfect your yield. then you will the maximum that can be yielded.