Will this Carbon Filter design work? Pics included


Hey all, this is my first grow box build. I bought a 24" micro grow and haven't been able to get to harvest yet, but I think I'm doing it right so I decided to just build a bigger version and do it with enough room. For the carbon scrubber I was basically going to put a chimney on top of it. Do you think this will scrub the smell and provide enough air flow out? Also how much carbon should I add? Box size is about 22" X 27" X 48".

So it's two pieces I got from Home Depot, a 4" elbow I straightened and the 4" extension (the little piece - I'm not sure what it's called but I got it in the same section). The mesh I'll duct tape to get it tight. It'll sit on top of the box duct taped and there will be a 3" fan inside the box so it'll be completely covered.

This is what it will look like finished sans Duct tape.


Top piece up close

With the top piece on. I'll line it with pantyhose and pour the carbon in.

Will this cover the smell of 2 - 4 plants around 18 - 24 in? Really appreciate the help. There's a lot of satisfaction in building your box so I'm trying to get it right.


Sector 5 Moderator
That should do the job nicely. Check out the sub-forum of General Marijuana Growing "Do It Yourself".


Look good I'm in the design stage of my grow and I wanted to do something like that is that a reg inline fan and is it noisy


I'm just using a 3" PC fan converted with the cell phone charger. Seems to do the trick in the past. I'm trying to decide if I want 2 3" intakes and 1 3" out ,or 1 fan for intake, 1 fan for out and then a 6" in the box to move the air. I'm going to do a test before I drill the 2nd intake fan to make sure the temps run right. Anyone have any thoughts on that?


Sector 5 Moderator
It would be best for your fans to have them matched. If you have negative or positive air flow it will reduce the life of your fans.


Well-Known Member
in my experience carbon filters are better left done by professionals. I've heard at least one story of a diy filter breaking apart and then distributed the carbon on the buds by a fan.those adjustable elbows break apart pretty easy.


It would be best for your fans to have them matched. If you have negative or positive air flow it will reduce the life of your fans.
Thanks! Makes sense the more I read about ventilation. I'll try one fan in, one fan out and I'll throw the 6" fan in the corner to move it around the box.


Well-Known Member
in my experience carbon filters are better left done by professionals. I've heard at least one story of a diy filter breaking apart and then distributed the carbon on the buds by a fan.those adjustable elbows break apart pretty easy.
i built my own scrubber. about 75.00 in materials, plus 60.00 for 200 oz of premium activated charcoal. took me about 2 hrs to make, and (imo) is a monster. it has a 6" inlet x 8"w x 24"l and 150oz of charcoal. my old CG wants to pay me to make him one (2 oz of some fire). also, my DIY scrubber is renewable when the charcoal is used up. another 50.00 or so, wash all the dust out, pour in, bolt back up and back to running. shit, i might just make a back-up for when this one gets worn out. also, i think this scrubber should last about a year running 24/7 in flower tent (4x4x7).

and a little negative pressure is good for a grow.


New Member
ok well i got a 10x10 tent and am running a black dog platinum XL LED. i have a sentinel controller which controls my temp, humidity, and co2. i am using a tank to supply my co2 and am cooling the room with a portable air conditioner. i was wondering if it is still necessary to vent the room evn though all the environmental conditions are being met? i was gonna put a carbon filter and a can fan in the room outside the tent. that way my plants can soak in co2 and smell is not an issue! so once again, would i need ventilation in my tent?


Sector 5 Moderator
Wow that sounds like a great setup!!! Can't wait to see your grow. You should not need ventilation to your tent.